Time Of The Month

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Been a while, eh? I found this in my drafts, enjoy



Alana groaned as her phone rang loudly on her nightstand, She covered her ears with a pillow, hoping that it could muffle out the sounds. It didnt help and the phone just kept on ringing.

Enough is enough, Alana thought. She decided it was time for her to woman up and mute her phone so she could enjoy her entire afternoon in peace. She lazily rolled on her side and grabbed her phone.

"Connie pie💞😊" is calling..

She smiled softly as she answered the call, She pressed her phone against her ear while hugging her pillow tightly.

"Hello..?" Alana croaked out.

"Hey baby! I wanna ask if you wanna go on a date today." Connor chirped into the other end of the call.
Alana looked down, debating whether she should tell him.

"Erm..well, I'd love to go on a date with you but im feeling a bit unwell..." She winced in pain as a cramp went through her.

"Huh, why? Are you sick? Are you okay?" He asked, clearly worried for his girlfriend.

"Yeah, Its just uhm.. im on my womanhood right now.." She told him, kinda embarrassed.

"Oh!" Connor got the message. "Thats fine, I guess im heading over there now, Bye love you!" With that he ended the call.

"...love you too." Alana said out loud. She sighed as she curled up in a ball. Ugh, I wish periods never existed. Why cant my uterus just send me a text, like I get it im not pregnant. She glanced at the clock which read: 2:15 PM

Somebody end my misery, Im bleeding Niagra falls right now.

Knock knock!

"Lana, Honey, Can I come in?" A knock and a voice could be heard from the outside of her room.

"Yeah, sure. Come in.." She groaned. The door opened, revealing Connor. His messenger bag strapped across his torso and a soft smile on his lips. He placed the bag down on the nightstand then proceeded to curl up in the bed next to his girlfriend.

Alana rolled over and quickly wrapped her arms around him as she nuzzled her face into his neck. Connor could only let out a soft giggle as he rubbed her back soothingly.

"Hey there, sunshine. You okay?"

"I feel like ive been stabbed in the gut twenty eight times." She mumbled. Connor smiled, he reached for the plastic bag.

"Well, I got some stuff for you!" Alana carefully sat up, She raises a brow. "What stuff?"

Connor started taking out the things in the bag as he started listing.
"Okay so I got some chocolate, some chips, some pads and tampons, vanilla ice cream, a heating pad, and my laptop to wa" Alana could only smile.

"Aww, You got all of that just for me?"

"Duh, Youre my only girlfriend, who else would I get these for? Jared?" They both chuckled. "Oh, and I also got another thing for you."

"What is it?" She enquired. Connor wrapped his arms around her and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"I got you some cuddles and kisses!"

"Youre so cute, This is unbelievable." Alana grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Cute for you, Scary to others." He kissed her on the forehead.
Alana nodded as they both settled down on the bed.

"So how does a movie sound?" He questioned.

"Sounds great to me, babe." Alana smiled, while Connor nodded at her, grabbing his bag and fishing for the laptop.

He placed it on his lap as Alana leaned on his shoulder, staring up at him.

"So, what you wanna watch? There's ghostbusters, princess and the frog...and..." He noticed the stare from her. "What?"

Alana smiled and stole a quick kiss from him, "Nothing, I love you."

Connor smiled back, placing a light kiss onto her forehead.

"I love you too, Alana."

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