The Box and the Glade

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That's Violet up there. Welcome readers to my first Maze Runner fanfic! Feel free to vote and comment, though right now I'm just focussing on the reads. If you found this book you're really bloody lucky! don't waste that luck , read on!

I woke up, gasping for air and completely disoriented.

It was dark, I knew that for sure, but why was it dark? I felt as though I didn't even know what dark meant.
I tried to stand, but my head hit the top of this strange metal shaft.

I ran my hands along the corner of the box, trying to make out a sort of opening or something, but all I felt was the cold metal on my fingers.

Then I heard it. All of a sudden, ragged breathing erupted from the other end of the box, sounding how I did when I awoke. It was a male's voice.

"Hello? Can someone hear me? Please get me out of here!" It called. It was in vain, and I think he knew that.

"Hello?" He called again, his voice closer to me. I knew he could hear my breathing, and he seemed to be following the sound of it. I could hear him crawling across the floor, shoes scraping on the metal.

"Hello?" He whispered. He was right in front of me now, and although I couldn't see him, I could feel his breath on my face.

Then it hit me. His voice. Obscured memories of his voice ringing through my ears.
A name came to me also. The name seemed only too familar as I said it, as if I said it many times before.

"Thomas?" I questioned. Hope clung on to every syllable, hope that I was stuck in a metal box with a potential friend.

Then he spoke.

And what he said, made me smile.


As soon as the words tumbled from his lips, the upward movement of the box stopped suddenly, causing me to jerked off the floor and brought back down onto my butt.

Then the sunlight came.

It blinded me as I stood, looking upwards but not being able to see, due to the bright light and the fact that I was shielding my face with my arm.

I took the opportunity to look at Thomas. Thomas? No that doesn't sound right. Tommy. Yes. Tommy was tall, with black hair and brown eyes. He wore a blue shirt with brown pants and black sneakers. He was attractive, but for some reason I couldn't think of him in that way.

I stumbled backward as a figure jumped in front of me. I almost fell but Tommy caught me from behind.

The figure was male with blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. He seems nice. I made a mental note to stick with him since he looked so friendly. He studied me for a moment, not even acknowledging Tommy's presence.
Then he mumbled something in a voice that was barely audible.

"Speak up shank!"

"What's wrong?"

"Wait a minute, two greenies?!"

"Quiet shanks!" A dark skinned boy with cropped hair yelled. "What's wrong, Newt?"

"It's a bloody girl..." He said in awe, as if I was the strangest thing he ever saw.

"Yea, what's the big deal?" I asked everyone in general.

"Shuck, look at her!"

"She's extremely easy on the eyes, unlike you ugly pieces of klunk!"

"She's definitely mine!"

Rude comments erupted from the crowd that seemed to be made entirely of boys.

"Excuse me?" I fold my arms across my chest and glare at them. They just smirk.

"You shanks have names?" The dark skinned boy asks. Shanks? What even is that?

"I'm Violet." I say.

"Thomas" Tommy says.

"Great. Get them out of there, Newt. We'll have a gathering later." The dark skinned boy who seems to be the leader orders. "Alright shanks! Get back to work!"

The crowd slowly dispersed, some boys winking at me with others hungrily licking their lips. I shiver in disgust.

"Don't worry about those bloody shanks. Haven't seen a girl in two years." The boy, Newt, says in a...british accent? British? Where did that even come from?

"You know, you two look really bloody alike..." He stares at us for a bit before we get hoisted out the box with a rope by a few other boys.

"Alright seriously now, where are we? Why can't I remember anything? Who are you?" Tommy spews out questions like a burst pipe. Newt silences him.

"The only bloody thing you need to know right now is that this-" He gestures to the expanse of green grass, trees, boys and a few rickety buildings all surrounded by four large grey walls covered in ivy "is the Glade."

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