The Internship

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For (Y/N) it started off as a normal Friday morning, she had attended her Life Span and Ethics class and was heading to meet her friends for lunch in the campus cafe when she received the email from her advisor. "You wanted to see me Dr. Morris?", she poked her head through the doorway of her advisor's office, the advisor looks up meeting the student's eyes, "Yes, please come sit down." (Y/N) closes the door behind her making her way to the seat across from Dr. Morris. Who in return, closes her current email and focuses all her attention on the student seated in front of her. "Earlier today I received a call from the Unit Chief of the FBI's Behavioral Analyst Unit,  Agent Hotchner, asking if there were any students that I knew who would be interested in interning with their team. So, I immediately thought of you and gave them your name, they have asked for you to come on and intern with them on the next case." She gives a smile to her student, "Would you be interested?" (Y/N) was shocked this had been something she had been dreaming about, having the chance to work with the FBI to gain more experience and to determine if this was the field, she was interested in. "Of course I'm interested", "Good, they want you at headquarters as soon as possible, I have discussed the situation with your other professors' and they have also approved. The deal is that every week your work will be gathered and sent to your email so that you won't fall behind" "Thank you so much" (Y/N) smiles before standing up and giving a small hug to her advisor, who gladly returns it, "Now go make us proud" "I will" (Y/N) pulls away from the hug, while grabbing her bag and heading to the dorm to pack.


Six hours later (Y/N) finds herself pulling into the FBI headquarters parking lot, where she automatically notices a middle-aged man wearing a black suit. She takes the parking spot beside a black SUV before turning off the engine and exiting the car. She is met at the front of her car by the man, "You must be (Y/N)?" he extends a hand towards her, which she shakes "Yes sir, are you agent Hotchner?" "I am, but you can just call me Hotch" "Nice to finally meet you." "Why don't we head inside" she nods following him to the entrance, "I'm assuming that Dr. Morris already informed you about the situation" "Yes sir" they come to a stop at the elevator, "I want to apologize about the inconvenience, we had an issue come up last minute and for the next case we need all the help we can get" "It's no problem, I appreciate the opportunity" he gives a small smile once the doors open, they both enter before he presses the button for the floor. "Your advisor thinks very highly of you, gave your name without a second thought" she shyly looks down to her feet, "I just hope I can make her proud" "I'm sure you will." The rest of the elevator ride is filled with silence. Once they reach their floor, they both exit making their way through the glass doors where several agents are seated at their desks. "Before we start, we should go over exactly what the internship will include" "Of course" she follows him through the maze of the desks, feeling the eyes of other agents on her as they reach the office. He opens the door allowing her to enter first taking the seat with its back to the door. "Dr. Morris has informed you that the internship will be completed during our next case, now because we can't control how long it takes to solve a case there will be a cutoff date if needed. While you are working with us you will be held to the same standards as any other agent in the field, but because you are still a student you do have restrictions." Hotch hands (Y/N) a piece of paper before reading off it, "I know it's a lot to remember, but the most important are that you are supposed to be with another agent at all times and that you must not reveal that you are an intern. The purpose of these restrictions aren't in place to make you feel like you can't take care of yourself, but to ensure that you remain safe." "I understand" he takes another paper out of the file on his desk, "Lastly, there is some paperwork that must be completed before doing the internship, this paperwork will guarantee that if anything were to happen to you physically during the internship that the BAU is fully responsible and will pay for bills that tie into them, there are also some forms that will be signed once the internship is complete so that you will receive credit for school" he hands her the papers to sign, once she is done she slides the papers back across the desk with a small sile. Hotch takes the paper, double checks to make sure everything looks good and places them back into the file, "Now since that is settled, why don't we go meet the team" "Sure." 

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