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Mondy morning came too fast or (Y/N), who had been informed last night that her internship would officially end today, she was currently sitting across from Hotch in his office as they signed the paperwork in order for her to get the credits for school. "It's going to be sad seeing you leave" he hands her the finished paperwork with a sad smile, before she places it into her bag, "I want to thank you again for the amazing opportunity to work with the team." "The pleasure is all mine, just keep what we discussed in mind" she smiles nodding her head, "I will, as long as you make a promise" a look of confusion crosses his feature before she continues, "Don't let the past affect your relationship with the team if anyone understands what you're going through it's them" he gives a smile extending his hand out to her, which she returns, they are interrupted by JJ, "Sorry to interrupt but we just got a case" they follow JJ out the office stopping on the stairs, "Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend before we head to the conference room to start the briefing on the next case (Y/N) would like to make an announcement" all eyes turn to the women beside him, "Thank you, um first I would like to thank y'all for making me feel welcome and part of the team, the time I've had here will definitely be something to remember, but I have been informed that my internship had officially ended and I will be heading back to school today, and if Hotch does't mind I have planned a special goodbye for each of you if I could take some more of your precious time" she turns to him searching for apporval, "Of course, wheels up in forty-five" he returns to his office to retrieve his go-bag. (Y/N) first makes her way to Garcia, who immediately pulls her into a tight hug "I'm going to miss you so much sweetie," she pulls away keeping (Y/N) at arm's length before continuing, "I know we discussed about not getting you going away presents when it came time to leave, but I sorta broke it" (Y/N) laughs, "I'm not surprised" Garcia pulls out a small blue box with a purple ribbon wrapped around it, (Y/N) opens the box to see a silver charm bracelet. "This is just something to remember us by" tears come to (Y/N)'s eyes as she carefully looks at each charm, a book, football, computer, airplane, gun, handcuffs, justice scale, and a heart with a black stone in the center, Garcia helps fasten the bracelet around her left wrist, "(Y/N) wraps one arm around Garcia's neck when they pull away Garcia brushes the tears from her cheeks, "I'm going to miss seeing your crazy self every day, promise me you will never let the world burn out your light" Garcia nods as a few tears start falling, "I'm going to miss you so much honey, please be safe and keep in touch" "I will" they exchange one last hug before (Y/N) makes her way to Rossi's office. 


"Hey kiddo" she smiles making her way over to his desk, "Hey, I wanted to stop by to personally thank you for all the advice and support you have given to me these last few days, and if you don't mind, I now want to return the favor," this causes a smile from the senior agent "I want you to stop beating yourself up about the past and focus on the present" he nods before giving her a kiss on each of her cheeks, "and maybe the next time we meet there will be a wife number four" she jokes returning the gesture, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves there," they share a laugh before he continues, "Take care of yourself, I expect great things from you in the future" "Yes sir" she gives him a solute with a smile walking into the hall heading to the next office.


JJ looks up with a smile when she hears a knock on her door, "Hey" she meets (Y/N) halfway lightly pulling each other into a hug, "Are you excited to be going back" (Y/N) pulls away with a sigh, "A little bit, I miss my friends and I know that I need to get back and finish my classes in order to get my degree, but I'm really going to miss it here" "We're going to miss you too, your practically family now" (Y/N) smiles "Thank you for making me feel like family, there is something I want you to do for me," "Anything" she takes JJ's hands in hers "continue to take care, support and in general just be there for each other, there are so many people that suffer psychological issues with this type of job and they don't have many people that can relate" JJ pulls her into another tight hug, "I promise, be careful going back and keep us updated" (Y/N) nods heading back into the bullpen.


"Hey baby girl" she smiles at the nickname she has grown fond of the last few days, "Hey Morgan, can we talk real quick" "Of course" he pulls out his desk chair for her to sit while taking a seat on the edge of the desk, "You are like the big brother I never had, you might drive me crazy at times, but I hope you realize how much I love you" "Love ya too little bit" they smile, before standing wrapping each other into a hug, "Please be safe going home baby girl" she smiles feeling him press a kiss against her head. "I will, can I ask for a personal favor from you?" "Sure" she pulls away just enough from the hug to meet his eyes, "Keep an eye on Reid for me, I know he can protect himself, but we all know how accident-prone we both can be" "Don't worry about that, he is safe in our hands" "Thanks" she releases him from the hug, looking at her watch, "well I better continue before y'all have to leave."


She finds Prentiss in the break room filling her cup with coffee, "Hey sweetie" "Hey, I wanted to stop by and talk to you before I head out" she walks over propping herself up against the counter, "Everything okay?" "Yeah, I just noticed since I've been here that you seem at times to be a little distance from the team, and I feel that the others haven't mentioned it, but I've seen how y'all interact with each other and I thought you should know, they do consider you a part of the team as well as their family, you don't need to worry about having a place here" Prentiss carefully gives her tight embrace, "Thanks (Y/N), I really needed that" "Your welcome" they pull away with a few tears in their eyes and smiles, "By the way have you seen Reid?" "Last time I saw him, was when you announced you were leaving, he was heading out the bullpen doors" (Y/N) sighs turning to the door of the break room, "Thanks."


She walks out the door, passing through the bullpen and then out into the hall on the other side of the glass doors, she looks to her left where she sees a figure sitting on the floor with their back against the wall, she gives a sad smile making her way towards it. Once at the figure she lays the crutches down before carefully sliding down the wall to sit beside him, "Hey I was wondering where you disappeared too" he turns to face her with a sad smile, she could see the tears starting to form in his eyes, she brings her hands up to his cheeks brushing the first sign of the tears away, "talk to me" he turns his head enough to kiss the inside of her palm, "I'm worried that when you leave that you will forget about us" "Spencer listen to me, I will never leave you, I know in the past everyone you cared about left, butI'm nothing like them I love you too much to do that" this earns her a smile, "I really hate to ruin this moment, but my leg is starting to fall asleep and even though I have managed to get down I might not be able to get back" he laughs quickly peaking her on the cheek before wrapping his arms around her waist picking her up before setting her on her feet, "Thanks" his arms remain around her waist, as her phone buzzes in her back pocket,

[Hey, we are downstairs when you're ready]

she answers with a quick okay placing the phone back in her pocket, "Time to go" she gives a sad nod, "But there is one more thing I want to do before I go" "What's that" she smiles wrapping his tie around her hand pulling him into a rough kiss, which he returns instantly, they pull apart when the need for air comes, she leans her forehead against his with a grin, straightening his tie, "Totally worth it" he agrees before they burst into laughter, she looks at her watch, "Alright, I really have to go" she sees a sad smile return to his face, before he leans placing a kiss on her forehead, lips, and then on her neck as he pulls her into a tight hug, "I love you so much, call me when you make it back" she returns a kiss to his own neck, "Of course, and I love you too" a few seconds later they reluctantly pull apart before they walk to the elevator with her using one crutch, holding his hand in the other using him as support. He waves, watching the doors close, as she waves and blows a kiss with a smile. He slowly makes his way to his desk with a smile on his face, believing for the first time that other than the team someone will keep their promise of not forgetting or leaving him.

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