The Case

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"Now that introductions are complete, Garcia what's are case" Hotch and Garcia switch places, while (Y/N) takes the empty seat beside Reid. "Alright my lovely crime fighters, today we are heading to New York City, where within the last three weeks, three couples have gone missing only to turn up dead within twenty-four hours." She clicks the remote in her hand that pulls up images of three happy couples followed by three crime scene photos. "the men were all shot in the head, while the women were drugged, raped and their throats slashed." "According to the medical examiner's report the men were killed ten minutes after the women, so it appears that the men were forced to watch the unsub torture their girlfriends" Reid flips through the first few pages of the report, "Do they have any suspects?" Prentiss turns her attention from the file to Garcia, "They currently don't, that's why they are asking for our help." The team is quite for a few minutes before Rossi breaks the silence, "The best way to get to the bottom of the case, is to grab the unsubs attention, by sending two agents undercover" "It seems the most effective, but who would we send in?" JJ turns to face Rossi, "First we need to think about who matches the victimology," Morgan scans the room before his eyes land on the two across from him, "wait, why don't we send in Reid and (Y/N), they match the age and physical description the best" as soon as her name is mentioned she looks up to see Hotch's eyes on her with a worried expression on his face. "I really don't feel comfortable sending her in without much experience" Morgan turns in his chair to face his boss, "Hotch, she is the only one on the team who passes as the unsubs type" she can tell that he realizes this but is still doubting, "He's right, and this could be the only way to interact and discover the type of person our unsub is," she makes eye contact with Hotch before continuing, "I wouldn't be here if I didn't know how dangerous this job was." This seems to catch the attention of the team and reassures Hotch, "Okay, Reid and (Y/N) will go undercover."


Thirty minutes later the team is on the jet heading to New York, "Alright baby girl, tell us about yourself" (Y/N) turns to face the man in the seat beside her, "Well um, I'm from Alabama, I go to school in Tennessee where I'm a junior studying Criminal Justice and Psychology, after graduating I hope to further on and get my masters either in Criminal Justice or Forensic Psychology, afterwards I would like to get a job either in Criminal Investigation or profiling." Morgan laughs before leaning over the table and patting Reid on the shoulder, "Sorry pretty boy, looks like you got some competition" he responds by crossing his arms across his chest and a small smile directed to (Y/N) who smiles back. This action does not go unnoticed by Morgan, but before he can comment Hotch steps in to discuss the plan for the case. "The local department stated that the couples who were found were all on vacation when they were abducted, they were considered very close. So, for this to work you two will have to appear like a real couple, during the day you will be seen in public exploring the city, sightseeing as well as date nights. Now since we don't have any leads to who might be behind this, at night you will also have to share a hotel room just to be on the safe side." The team could see that the two agents were a little nervous about having to share a room, but deep down the two knew, in the end, it would benefit the case so they would have to push that feeling in the back of their minds. 

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