New Co-Worker

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It had been a little over a year since the internship, (Y/N) was finishing up her last semester of classes, while stressing over the decision whether to go to graduate school or go straight into the work field. After a few meetings with her advisor, she concluded that her best decision was to apply to both graduate schools as well as jobs. Over the last few months, she had heard back from several departments wanting her to become a part of their team, a few positions included, two state departments, a local department where she was from as well as where she currently went to school at, but there was one department and team she could not get out of her mind and sadly had not heard anything back from them about any position openings. She had also been accepted to several graduate schools, the one she was most excited about was back home where they offered her a master's in criminal justice with a track in security intelligence, and they had given a full ride with the option to either take courses in person or online.


Over the last year (Y/N) had kept in contact with the team, she had weekly calls with Garcia, occasionally with JJ and Prentiss, text with Morgan, emails with Hotch and Rossi, when it came to Reid there was never really one form of communication, he would send her letters about the team and past cases as well as send pictures of everyone, other times there would be phone calls when the team was not on cases and she did not have school work, the rest of the time they would text.


(Y/N) had just left her last class of the day, heading back to her dorm, once unlocking the door she places her bookbag down on the desk taking notice of the pictures on the shelf beside her, a week after returning to school she had received a package from Garcia filled with framed pictures of her and the team, the pictures included, one of the team with her the day she left, one of her Garcia, and Prentiss the night of the party, one with Morgan's arm wrapped around her shoulder with them laughing, the picture that Garcia had taken of her and Reid the first-day undercover, one from the bar when the two were dancing, that one had been a surprise they had been so caught up in the moment they did not realize she took the picture. Her thoughts are interrupted by her phone buzzing, signaling she has an incoming call, she smiles at the familiar number before answering, "Hey, what's up."


Hotch walks out his office clearing his throat to get the attention of the team, "team meeting in ten minutes" he makes his way through the bullpen then into the conference room trying to hide the small smile from the team. Once everyone is present and has taken a seat Hotch beings, "So I know the last few months have been stressful, especially with Kate leaving, as well as finding out JJ is expecting another baby, which we are all so excited about," they al smile to the expecting mother sitting beside Reid, "I thought this would be the best opportunity to bring in some more help, the director has agreed one hundred percent. So I would like to introduce you to out new member, Special Agent (Y/L/N)" Hotch allows the smile to show when the entire team turns in their seats to face the door behind them, standing there is (Y/N) dressed in a black long sleeve V-neck t-shirt, with dark skinny jeans, "Hey everyone, long time no see" she waves and smiles at the team, Garcia, of course, is the first to run up to her, "Oh my gosh, your back" all (Y/N) can do is smile at the women as she is pulled into a tight hug, Morgan is next, "Welcome back baby girl" giving her a side hug and a kiss to the top of the head, "Glad to be back" he pulls away allowing Rossi to give her a hug. JJ and Prentiss, both give her a side hug at the same time, "You look great, can I?" (Y/N) motions her hands to JJ's stomach, "Of course" (Y/N) smiles when she feels the tiniest kick, "You look amazing too" she turns to Prentiss brushing off the comment with a laugh, "Not really, the only difference is a little longer hair, and I don't have the brace." it takes Reid a few minutes to get over the shock that she is actually standing in front of them, once he recovers he runs over to her instantly wrapping his arms around her waist picking her up letting out a sigh when her arms wrap tightly around his neck, "I missed you so much" he whispers in her neck resting his head on her shoulder before setting her feet back on the floor, "I missed you too," she pulls away moving her arms from his shoulder one resting on his cheek the other running her fingers through his hair, "So so much" he leans in placing a quick kiss to her lips, which she returns, their moment is interrupted by Garcia, "Group hug" everyone makes their way around the couple.


Later that night the team is called on their first case with the next member, they are currently sitting on the jet heading to the location, (Y/N) is looking out the window with Reid sitting beside her and Morgan and Prentiss across from them. She starts thinking back over the past few years, there were several struggles and decisions that she has had to make, ranging from what she should study, where to go to school, and where she will work afterwards, she allows a smile looking around the jet at all the other fast asleep, "What are you smiling about?" she turns to face the man beside her, grasping the hand closer to her, "Just thinking" he smiles in return intertwining their fingers, "What are you thinking about?" he leans his head closer to hers resting it against the back of her seat, "About how lucky I am to be here, and that I am so glad I said yes to the internship" she leans her head further into the chair, he leans over pressing a kiss to her forehead, she responds giving a quick peak to his lips before laying her head on his shoulder before they drift to sleep. 

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