Safe and Sound

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After a two-hour surgery (Y/N) wakes up to find herself in a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around her right leg starting at mid-thigh and ending at just above her ankle. "How are you feeling?" She turns her head towards the voice to see Hotch sitting in the chair to the right of her bed. "I've been better" this earns a small laugh from the two of them, "As protocol, I have to get a statement from you as an agent in the field as well as a victim, are you up for talking?" "Sure" with Hotch's help she manages to sit up in bed, "Okay, what happened after the two of you left the bar?" "Reid and I were walking back to the hotel, once we were there, we started getting ready for bed. He had just gone to use the bathroom when there was a knock on the door, I opened it expecting it to be Garcia checking up to make sure we made it back, but when I opened the door I saw the man from the bar holding a gun, he grabbed me by the arm pushing his way into the room placing the gun against my head. I was told that I needed to get Reid back into the room without giving anything away or he would shoot. Not long after Reid returned from the bathroom, once back the owner of the skating rink entered with a bat, which he used against Reid, the first man used a cloth against me and that's when everything went black." He gives a small reassuring smile before continuing, "Since the live feed was sent directly to Garcia, we are able to use it as evidence against him," he closes the notebook in his hand placing it into his briefcase, "now with the statement out of the way, how are you feeling?" "Hotch, I already told you I'm fine." "Not about the surgery, I mean how are you feeling after the case?" she can feel her eyes start to water, as a tear falls she quickly brushes it away, "Honestly, I was terrified, especially when me and Reid were kidnapped, I was worried y'all wouldn't make it in time, I thought about what would happen to my parents and his mother if we didn't make it out, lastly I thought about what would happen to the team if I cost them one of their agents" Hotch stops her from continuing by placing his hand over hers, "You know we would never blame you if anything were to happen, we all understand the danger that comes with this job and know there are things out of our control" she squeezes his hand in response, as more tears fall. "well we better not keep them waiting" "Keep who waiting?" his only response is to motion with his head to the door.


Standing in the door, was the relieved faces of the team she had grown to know and love. Of course, Garcia is the first to make her way to (Y/N), "Hey baby glad you're okay, but don't you dare scare me like that again" "I promise" (Y/N) returns the hug with a smile, "There's that smile that I love" Morgan is the next to pull her in a hug kissing the top of her head, he is followed by Rossi, kissing each cheek, next is a hug from JJ "How are you feeling?" "Better now that you guys are here," Prentiss is the next to pull her into a hug. "Well I need to call headquarters to let them know how the case went so that we can head home" Hotch stands from his seat, placing a hand on her uninjured knee, "if you need anything don't hesitate to call" "I will" she gives a smile in response as he makes his way out the hospital room. "Me, Prentiss and Rossi are going to grab some lunch, want us to bring you anything back?" "I'm good, but thanks" JJ hugs her one more time before they head out, "Hey baby girl, why don't we go look at the gift shop, give them a chance to talk" Garcia nods before giving (Y/N) another hug and a kiss to Reid's cheek. Once they leave an awkward silence falls over the two, Reid speaks for the first time since walking into the room, "You do realize, Garcia is going to bring back balloons, flowers and possibly a stuffed animal?" he walks to stand in front of the chair by her bed with his hands in his pockets, "Yeah kinda expected that" they both let out a small laugh, (Y/N) moves her eyes to meet his, noticing that he has changed into his normal work clothes and has a bandage over his injury, "How's your head?" "It's fine, just a cut" she lets out a breath she did not realize she had been holding, "That's good, I was worried about you" his response is wrapping his arm around her shoulder, smiling when he feels her arms immediately wrap around him, "I'm so glad you're okay" she can hear the sadness and relief in his voice. she tightens her hold on him sliding her hands further up his back. They spend a few minutes wrapped in each other's arms, before separating with Reid taking the chair and grabbing the hand closes to him, she returns the action intertwining their fingers, "Hey, um there's something I need to tell you" she can tell he is nervous, which means it is something important, "well um, I uh," before he can continue the door opens revealing a nurse, "Sorry to interrupt but I need to change her bandage" "Of course, I'll wait in the hall" he squeezes her hand before walking out the door.


Once out in the hall, he cannot help but laugh as he watches Garcia and Morgan making their way towards him carrying a vase of pink roses and purple bell flowers, two balloons, one light blue with white, pink, green, and purple hearts along with the words 'Get Well Soon' written in gold. The other is a puppy with a blue heart that reads, 'Sit, Stay, Heal, Get Well Soon' in black writing. Lastly there is brown bear with a crutch and cast on one foot that reads 'Get Well.' "Why aren't you in the room with (Y/N)" Reid smiles, taking the balloons from Garcia, "Nurse is changing the bandage on her leg" "So did you get a chance to talk to her about you know what" Reid blushes rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, "I started, but the nurse came in so" Garcia smiles pinching his cheek, "Don't worry baby boy, you'll get the chance soon." The door to (Y/N)'s room opens as a nurse exits, "Your friend is set for the night, and I hate to mention but visiting hours are ending and only one person can stay with her," "I'll stay tonight" the nurse smiles at Garcia, before continuing her rounds.


"Garica, I think you went overboard" (Y/N) laughed seeing the three agents walk through the door carrying the gifts, "Nothing is too much for my baby" she places the vase on the window sill, while Reid ties the balloons around the vase and Morgan hands (Y/N) the bear. "Well we really hate to leave, but soon the nurse will be around to kick us out. We'll be back early tomorrow to check on you" Morgan kisses her head while patting her uninjured knee, Reid gives a wave as the two men make their way to the door. Garcia takes the now empty seat beside her, "Now that we are alone, how are you really feeling" "Garcia, I'm fine really" she takes Garcia's hand in hers, "Are you sure, because you had us all worried sick, especially Reid" "I'm sorry" once again she lets the tears fall, as Garcia wraps her arms around her, "Baby girl, don't cry, we were just worried" after a few minutes of letting her cry it out, (Y/N) finally settles down, "So, how is the team doing?" Garcia leans back into her seat her hand returning to (Y/N)'s "Well like I said everyone was worried, Hotch felt guilty for putting you in that situation, JJ and Prentiss felt like they let you down by not noticing the real unsub, Rossi and Morgan felt like if they would have gotten to you sooner, maybe you wouldn't be in the hospital, I felt like I wasn't working fast enough to find you, and well Reid he took it the hardest, he felt that he let you down by not protecting you and felt responsible for your injury." (Y/N) had spent so much time worrying about how she felt, about letting everyone down that it never occurred to her that the rest of the team would feel that it was all their fault. "Well, why don't we get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow" (Y/N) nods in response learning back in bed as Garcia moves to the couch. 

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