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"Hotch, we lost sight of him" the whole team could hear the frustrated sigh of the leader, "Alright good work today, let's go back to the hotel and regroup tomorrow" one by one members of the team made their way out of the club, Reid and (Y/N) were the last two to leave slowly making their way down the streets of New York to their hotel in awkward silence. "Um, Spencer," once his name is called he turns to face (Y/N), "I'm really sorry what happened back there, Rossi said we needed to do something to catch his attention, so I just did the first thing that came to mind. I hope I didn't make it awkward between us" she never makes eyes contact and just focuses on her feet, suddenly and arm wraps around her shoulder, causing her to jump she looks up to see him smiling at her, "You did what you had to do to get his attention off everyone else and to keep our cover. There's nothing for you to be sorry about" he squeezes her shoulder, "if anything I should be the one apologizing for how I acted, I honestly don't know what came over me" he focuses back to the street in front of him, he feels her arms wrap around his waist as they continue to walk. He turns to face her to be met with a bright-eyed smile, "As you said before nothing to apologize for, you were just doing the job by playing along" he nod's his head, but deep down he knew that was not the case. 


When they got back to the hotel room it was two am, the two agents were currently laying on their backs on the bed still wearing their clothes from the club, "I'm exhausted" Reid turned his face towards the women beside him, she nodded in agreement, "Yeah, who knew that dancing would be so draining" they both laughed, which was interrupted by a knock on the door, "I'll get it," (Y/N) stood up making her way across the floor. "It's probably Garcia making sure we made it back safely" Reid headed to the bathroom as she reached the door when she opened the door her smile fell, as she came face to face with the man from the club holding a gun, "Glad to see you remembered me" he grinned grabbing her arm and spinning her back into the room with the gun held to her head closing the door behind him. "Call your boyfriend back here, if you give anything away, I will not hesitate to shoot you" she nodded, "Spencer, will you come in here please" "Yeah, what's up" when he exited the bathroom fear and anger filled him as he saw the gun pointed to (Y/N)'s head, her own eyes widen as she saw another man enter the room with a baseball bat in his hands, as soon as Reid saw her expression change he went to turn and was met with a hit to the head, everything went black the last thing he heard was her scream "Spencer!" she could not help the scream that escaped her when she saw Reid hit the floor, "Unless you want us to kill him, you will listen to everything we say" without a second thought she nodded her head, she would do anything to keep him protected, suddenly she felt a cloth over her nose that had a funny smell next thing she knew she was lying beside Reid as her vision darkened.


At ten o'clock the next morning, Garcia was running down the hall, knocking on all the team's doors, once all of them were in the hall they saw the frantic expression on her face, "What's wrong baby girl?" Morgan wraps his arm around her shoulder trying to calm her down. "Reid and (Y/N) aren't in their room, I went to check on them this morning, just to make sure they got back okay and the door was open wide and their phones and Reid's gun were still in the room." "Calm down Garcia, maybe they went down to the lobby to grab breakfast" she turns to Prentiss, "I found something else in their room," she took a deep breath before continuing "there was a little trace of a liquid substance on the floor, it looks like blood," she tightens a grip on Morgan's arm, "One of my babies is hurt." "Don't worry baby girl, we will find them and bring them back safely, let's start looking for clues."


(Y/N) was not sure how long she was out it had to be at least a few hours because when they were at the hotel it was still dark outside and by the light shining through the window it was now daylight. She opened her eyes when she heard a groan beside her, she looked over to see Reid sitting in a chair with his arms tied behind his back and legs tied to the chair legs, she tried to move when she noticed that there was bruising and a little blood on the corner of his forehead, but was restrained she looked down to see that she was tied up in the same way as him. "Spencer" he responded with another groan, "come on Spencer open your eyes for me" this time she was met with brown eyes, "thank God, are you okay?" he nodded, but immediately regretted the decision as pain shot through his head, "What about you?" she gave a small smile even while injured he was still worried about her, "I'm fine, I'm more concerned about you, you took a worst beating than I did" "So nice for you to join us again agents" (Y/N) jumped at the sound of the man who hit Reid earlier, she tried to remember where she saw his face before and then it hit her, "You're the owner of the skating rink" "So great that you remember me" he stops in front of her before grabbing her chin, "What a sweet girlfriend you have here Spencer, or should I say Dr. Spencer Reid of the FBI" this caught both Reid and (Y/N) off guard, how did he know who they were. The unsub lets go of her chin, walking back into the middle of the room, "I bet y'all are wondering how I knew who you are" he went off to the side of the room, grabbing a stand and a camera setting it in front of the two agents, "well honestly I didn't find out until seeing the two of you at the club, when my friend was watching y'all I noticed he was being watched as well, and that's when I did my own research to discover the people watching my friend was actually FBI agents. Then the question of why they would be watching over you two unless you were also agents."

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