Undercover Work

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After an hour and a half flight to New York, the team finds themselves checking into a local hotel. Currently (Y/N) was sitting in JJ and Prentiss' room with JJ styling her hair so that once the earpieces were in, they could be hidden, while Garcia laid out their outfits for the 'first date'. Once her hair was styled half up and half down, Garcia handed her one set of the clothes, "I'm going to run these across the hall, you get changed and meet us in the lobby" "Okay" (Y/N) headed to the bathroom where she changed into the gray sweater, with a pair of light blue jeans along with brown knee-high boots and topping it off with a light purple scarf.


While (Y/N) was changing Garcia made her way across the hall to the room that Reid and (Y/N) would be sharing during the case, she opens the door to see Morgan helping Reid with his earpiece, "There's our boy wonder," she walks up to them dropping the clothes into his lap, "here are your clothes, (Y/N) is changing and we all will be meeting in the lobby in five minutes" he nods in response before heading to the bathroom, where he changes into a white button-up underneath a black sweater, along with black jeans and converse. Once he shuts the bathroom door Garcia grabs Morgan's arm, pulling him with her out the door heading to the rest of the team.


After dressing both agents meet in the hall before walking in silence towards the elevator, Reid waits until they are alone before breaking the silence, "How are you feeling?" (Y/N) lets out a small laugh before responding, "Honestly, I'm pretty nervous and worried that I will mess this up", she looks up to see his eyes on her, "You'll do great, and don't worry, the whole team is behind you, we will be by your side the whole time" she gives a small smile silently thanking him, which he returns. The rest of the elevator ride is filled with a comfortable silence, which is interrupted by the ding informing they have reached their stop. "Now, how about we go find us an unsub" he offers his arm to her with a girn, she laughs before linking her arm through his, "Let's go." Once they step foot into the lobby Garcia is the first to spot them, her smile growing as she notices their linked arms and the smiles on their faces, "Oh my gosh, my babies are so cute" she immediately pulls out her phone taking pictures as they make their way to the group, "One more" Garcia arranges the two into a pose with (Y/N)'s left hand on Reid's right shoulder and her right on her waist, while his right is wrapped around her back meeting her own hand on her waist. "This must be what it feels like to send your child on their first date" Rossi's comment makes the whole team laugh, allowing them to release some of the tension related to the case. Once Garcia is happy with all the pictures, the two agents exited the building making their way down the street of New York with a comfortable silence falling between them as they continue to pass several stores, after a few blocks one store, in particular, sparked Reid's interest causing him to stop in his tracks causing (Y/N) to stop looking up to him in confusion, she followed his gaze to an old book store, a small smile spreads across her face at the comment that came through the earpiece, "Reid you can't seriously be thinking about taking a girl to a book store on a date" (Y/N) could tell that the comment kind of bothered Reid, because he started walking again, but was stopped by her grabbing his hand before pulling him towards the entrance to the store, "He's right, it's a stupid idea. Let's just keep walking" he tries walking again, but (Y/N) has a firm grip and is not budging. He turns back to meet her eyes, "Spencer, it's not about what we do, all that matters is that we are spending time together" she gives a reassuring smile before once again pulling him towards the store by his hand, this time he follows without hesitation and smiles at the women in front of him. They spend a few minutes walking through the shelves still holding on to each other's hand, occasionally, picking up a book that catches their attention. After exploring the store, they make their way further into the city, enjoying the scenery and in general just enjoying each other's company, this time the silence is broken by (Y/N), "So, what do you usually like to do when you aren't working?" "Most of the time I usually just spend time at home, reading or watching TV, but if we have a few days off I go and visit my mother" she can tell something is bothering him concerning his mother with how he is avoiding eye contact and his hold on her hand tightens slightly before loosening. She gives his hand a squeeze making him look at her, "I'm here for you if you need to talk" she whispers so that others passing cannot hear, he gives a sad smile. "How about you, what do you do in your free time?" "Well, being in school, I don't have much free time," she gives a small laugh, that causes Reid to smile, "but with the little time I do have, I usually just spend time with friends or just hang out in my room." They continue to small talk until a building catches (Y/N)'s attention, once again Reid is being pulled by the hand, he gives a small laugh at her childlike behavior, which is cut short when he realizes where she is taking him, "Oh no, no we aren't doing this."

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