Meeting the Team

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"Team meeting" Hotch informs the team as he makes his way to the conference room followed by (Y/N). They are both standing in front of the room once the agents enter and take their seats, "What's going on Hotch?" a dark-colored man looks between the two, "As you guys know, Kate started her maternity leave this morning, so I thought it would be a good idea to bring in an extra hand" he turns his attention to the women beside him, "This is (Y/N), she will be filling in for Kate while she is away for the next case, as well as completing an internship for her school" who in response gives a shy wave. "Why don't we do a quick introduction for the team, this is Garcia," Hotch points to a blonde with one pink streak that matches the color of her dress, with red-rimmed glasses. "She is our technical analyst; she handles all the technical aspects of all our cases." Garcia gives a bright smile and waves, "to her right we have Morgan" she notices him from earlier, he has dark-colored skin and is wearing a dark green long sleeve shirt with dark blue jeans. "he is the brawns of the group specifically when it comes to chasing down the unsubs." "I can be so much more than that baby girl" he winks causing a small blush to form on (Y/N)'s face. "Leave the poor baby alone, we don't want you scaring her off the first day" the woman beside him lightly slaps him on the arm. In response he gives a small smile before Hotch continues, "This is agent Jareau, she focuses on the social media aspect of the cases, as well as helping to decide what cases our help is needed the most" the shorter blonde stands up and extends her hand across the table toward (Y/N), "You can call me JJ, and it's nice to meet you" (Y/N) shakes her hand, "You too" the blonde is wearing a black skirt and a blue button-up blouse, "This is Prentiss," the black-haired women beside JJ gives a sweet smile, wearing black dress pants and gray t-shirt, "she focuses more on our foreign policies, and translations when needed, Next to Prentiss is Rossi, he is one of our more experienced members," the man appeared to be middle-aged with a  little gray showing in his dark hair, he is dressed in dress pants with a white shirt and a black blazer, "he originally helped with creating the BAU and has recently just started back into the unit." "Lastly, we have Reid, he is the genius of the group," the young man beside Rossi has short curly brown hair and is wearing a blue buttom-up shirt, purple tie, along with a purple sweater and khaki pants, "he is our specialist in, well everything," Morgan laughs, which causes a small blush to appear on Reid's cheeks. Hotch turns to face (Y/N),  "as you can see, we all have a specific topic that we specialize in, but at the end of the day we all come together to get the job done." 

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