4. Save Me

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Tae opened his eyes. 5:36 AM. Same procedure as every day. He stared at the wall, reliving the accident until he realized that the noise was not only in his head, but also outside his window.
The wind was blowing like crazy, throwing the snow at the house. He turned back and forth for some minutes, but then finally decided that he wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon. So he got up, put on his slippers and shuffled downstairs to the kitchen.
When he entered, he saw a light from the living room and heard someone speak. Did he forget to turn off the lights? And why was the TV running?
And then he remembered. Jeon Jungkook. The man that had sought shelter at his house last night.
Tae walked into the living room to see what he was up to, and found him sleeping on the couch. Jungkook was laying under a blanket, turned towards the TV, fast asleep. Tae stopped in front of him and studied his face.
Jungkook looked like a cute, little baby, sleeping peacefully. He seemed to dream something, as his nose scrunched up and Tae decided that this was the most adorable thing he had ever seen. Then Jungkook smacked his lips, as if he had just eaten something delicious. And Tae once again decided that THIS was the most adorable thing.
He was so in awe that he didn't realize the sleepy eyes that were now looking at him.
Tae's breath hitched and he turned around promptly when he realized that the man had woken up.
Jungkook rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times. He saw a figure in front of him and was a little confused as to where he was. But then he remembered last night, and sat up.
"Good morning...," he greeted Taehyung.
The blonde turned back around and nodded.
"Good morning Jungkook. I thought you were sleeping in the guest room?"
"I tried to. But I couldn't sleep. I have that sometimes. Then I need something to calm my mind."
Taehyung nodded. It wasn't his place to ask any further question, although somewhere in the back of his mind he really wanted to get to know him better. But they were strangers and Jungkook would be soon gone from his life again.
"Can I put on a fire?"
Jungkook sat up on the couch as he was asking this.
The other nodded. "Yes. The firewood is in the garage, it's through the door in the kitchen."
Jungkook nodded and stood up to make his way to get the wood.
Taehyung followed him to the kitchen and heated some water. When Jungkook was going back, he asked him if he wanted a hot tea, which was answered by a nod.

Ten minutes later they were both sitting on opposite ends of the couch, each a blanket wrapped around their bodies, a tea in hand, and the fire at the fireplace crackling. The outside was still dark, but they could hear the wind blowing strongly and see snowflakes hitting the windows with each gust.
"Do you live here alone?"
Taehyung was a little startled when Jungkook broke the silence.
"Ah, yes. Just Yeontan and me.. "
"Okay. Isn't it very lonely sometimes?"
"I like, no, I need this loneliness."
Taehyung realized how sad this sounded, and he quickly added: "Besides, I have two friends who visit me occasionally."
"Oh. Were they here yesterday?"
"Yes, how do you...?"
"I saw a car going towards the valley when I drove up here yesterday. I was surprised to see anybody at all, so I paid more attention to the woods and saw your house. I thought they were returning from a romantic getaway in this house or something."
Taehyung shook his head and let out a soft giggle.
"They're not in this kind of relationship."
He turned to the window to stare outside again, and Jungkook got the feeling that he didn't want to talk anymore, so he remained quiet.
Taehyung was probably not used to someone being around him constantly. Jungkook couldn't imagine how lonely it could be up here sometimes. No other person for miles, just the woods and a road that wasn't used often. He was really curious what had made Taehyung move up here. Jungkook had finished his tea, so he put the mug down on the coffee table and got more comfortable under his blanket. While staring out the window and thinking about the reasons the other man had moved up here, he drifted off to sleep.

Half an hour later Tae snapped out of his own world he had been in. He had stared out the window, remembering his sister's face and the life they had had together. And how he had destroyed all that. He had the feeling that a panic attack was coming up, but he was very aware of the other man beside him, so he could pull himself out of it quickly. When he realized that Jungkook was sleeping, he decided to go upstairs and work on some paintings. He wouldn't be able to deliver them soon, but what was done, was done.

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