5. Stay With Me

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After breakfast Taehyung made his way back upstairs to finish cleaning his studio.
Jungkook stayed downstairs, cleaned the dining table and washed the dishes before making his way to the guestroom. He had left his bagpack there and started to unpack it now. When he had left his car he had only taken the necessities with him, like fresh underwear, a toothbrush, his father's camera, and one shirt to change. Everything else was still in his car, about 3 miles from the house. He looked out the window, the snow had stopped falling and the wind was only blowing slightly. Still, the sky was grey and more snow was definitely soon to fall. Maybe Taehyung had a car that would actually be able to go up there?
There was a knock on the guestroom's door and Jungkook opened it.
Taehyung was standing in front of him, some towels in hand.
"I thought you may need a towel or two if you want to take a shower."
"Thank you, Taehyung. I was just about to go find you. Can I ask you a question?"
"Do you by chance have a car that can drive in this weather? When I left my car yesterday, I only took some clothes and stuff that was really necessary. So I don't have clothes for more than a day with me."
"You could always get some of my my clothes."
"I appreciate that, but we've got to be honest... I'll probably rip your clothes, unless they're all baggy style."
Taehyung nodded. That was true. Jungkook was well build and probably really strong. The older faintly  remembered the strong arms that had held him in the morning. He blushed and quickly spoke to divert Jungkook's attention.
"OK, you're right. I have some snow chains for my car. They should get us up there. But we should probably go now, before the snowfall starts again."
"Oh, no, you don't have to go with me! You just have to allow me to use your car. I will do it alone!"
"No. Why would you? It's dangerous out there."
"And that's exactly why I don't want you to go."
Jungkook suddenly realized what he had said, and quickly continued to speak.
"I mean, shouldn't someone stay here in case something happens? So that person could get help...."
"I'm sorry to disappoint you Jungkook," Taehyung countered with a stern voice, "but first of all, even if I would stay behind, I couldn't get any help because, as you said, the road is closed. And second, I know the streets and the woods very well, I know how to handle them in this kind of weather."
Jungkook was just as surprised as Taehyung was himself about his authoritive tone, and all Jungkook could say was: "You can call me Kook."
"I mean, just call me Kook or Kookie. Not Jungkook. I'm only Jungkook to strangers and to my mom if I did something wrong..."
He looked down shyly and pouted, and Taehyung had to really hold himself back to not coo at him. He quickly composed himself and continued, now in a softer tone.
"OK, Kookie. Then, shall we go?"
Jungkook nodded and they made their way towards the front door, where he proceeded to put on his shoes. Taehyung, who had changed out of his pyjamas while he was upstairs, did the same.
After they were dressed, they walked through the kitchen to the garage, where Taehyung's pick up was parked.
Yeontan was following them, but Taehyung picked him up quickly and cuddled him.
"Tannie, you're not coming with us. I'm sorry but you have to stay here
It's too dangerous for you, little one."
He gave Yeontan a kiss on his head and put him back in the kitchen, before he quickly closed the door.
Jungkook had observed the whole scene. He was in awe about Taehyung's softness. That interaction had been adorable.
When Taehyung turned back to him, he quickly composed his expression. He didn't want to scare the other by being too affectionate. He got the feeling that Taehyung still needed time to warm up to him.
The older showed Jungkook where the snow chains were, and they each took two to put them on the tires. When they were finished, Taehyung tried to open the garage door, but it didn't budge. It seemed that the snow had piled up in front of it, and it was now impossible to open it.
"Do you have a shovel? I can just go through the house and clear the way." Taehyung nodded and handed Jungkook the item.

About 10 minutes later Jungkook had cleaned a good amount of the snow and opened the garage.
Meanwhile Taehyung had already started the car and sat behind the wheel. When Jungkook opened the garage door, he put the pick up in reverse and exited the garage.
Before the younger joined him in the cabin, he closed the garage door and threw the shovel on the platform of the truck. They would  probably need it. He then checked if he had his keys with him and got in the car.
"Do you have the keys?"
Jungkook nodded, smiling to himself about how similar they were.
"All set, let's go."

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