14. Domestic Boyfriends

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After they had breakfast, Jungkook called the workshop to arrange a time to pick up his car.
Now Taehyung and him were waiting for the truck to come and  tow it away.
They had decided to free the car from the snow to speed up the process and were almost done with the cleaning when the tow truck arrived.
Two men jumped out and greeted them, immediately walking around the car to check its state.
After Jungkook had told him what had happened, one of them said that it was probably the battery that had died down. But they could only make sure in the workshop.
They suggested that Jungkook would drive down to the town with them as they had an extra seat in their cab. However, after Jungkook took a look at Taehyung, he politely declined, telling them that he would get there with his boyfriend. Taehyung's blushing face made him smile, the older clearly affected by his words.
The men pulled his car on their truck, gave them the address and left towards the valley.
As the couple sat down in Taehyung's car, Jungkook sneaked his arm around the older's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. After they separated again, Taehyung blinked at him.
"What was that for?"
"Ahhh... Just a kiss for my adorable boyfriend!"
Once again he didn't miss the blush on his face. He cooed.
"Aaaaaw, Tae, why are you so cute? First being sad that they wanted to take me with their truck and then blushing when I call you my boyfriend."
"Aaaaaaaaahhh..." With that Taehyung buried his face in his hands.
"You were so bold when you spoke to Laura, and now you're all timid, what am I gonna do with you? You drive me insane!"
Taehyung didn't answer, just looked away shyly and started the car.
Jungkook chuckled and ruffled his hair.
"You're so precious."

They arrived at the workshop about one hour later. Taehyung parked the car and they exited it, walking over to the entrance of the shop. The receptionist sent them through to the actual workshop, where they met the two mechanics again.
"Mr Jeon, as we already predicted the battery is dead. We don't have the right battery in stock, so we have to order it. It will take around five to seven days for it to arrive though. But you said you can stay somewhere around?"
The younger nodded, pulling Taehyung towards him.
"Yes. I'll just stay with my boyfriend. Do I have to sign something?"
The mechanic sent them back to the receptionist who handed them a shop order. After Jungkook had signed everything, they exited the shop.
The weather was nice. The sun was out and the air was cold and crisp. It didn't look like it would snow anytime soon and Taehyung felt a sudden urge to show Jungkook around. He turned towards the younger and smiled brightly at him.
Jungkook was clearly surprised by the older's attitude, but smiled back just as brightly.
Jungkook giggled.
"Yes, Taeeee?"
"How do you like the idea of walking around town a little?"
"That actually sounds pretty good! I do need some clothes anyway, if I stay longer... And I guess we could do some grocery shopping?"
Taehyung smiled and nodded.
"Oh yes, yes!!"
He clapped his hands, a sudden excitement taking over him. Going shopping had never sounded so wonderful.
Taehyung turned around to lead the way when he suddenly felt a hand sliding into his palm.
He looked down and saw Jungkook intertwining their fingers. The tingling sensation from where they were touching raced through his body and heated up his cheeks.
Jungkook's face was suddenly next to his and he heard the other whisper.
"But only when I can hold your hand all the time."
Now it was Taehyung's turn to giggle, the spark from where Jungkook's breath had caressed his ear making him all tingly.
Before Jungkook stepped back, he pecked Taehyung just behind his ear and the older realized that this spot was one of his very sensitive ones.
He let out a huff, half from annoyance that Jungkook didn't continue, half from excitement that he would probably get more pecks there soon.
He grinned and lightly shook his head at the younger, who had already turned around and pulled him towards the main street.

Three hours later Jungkook had two pairs of new jeans, some underwear, comfy sweatpants and a huge pile of simple black and white shirts. Taehyung had tried to persuade him into buying some colorful clothes, but Jungkook refused, staying with earthy and simple colors.
They had just parked Taehyung's car infront of a grocery store and were on their way in, when someone called behind them.
They both turned around and Jungkook saw a guy about his size running towards them. He automatically stepped infront of Taehyung and pulled the older behind him.
The man who stopped infront of him looked confused.
He was interrupted by a giggle coming from behind Jungkook.
"Aawww Kookie, why are you so cute? This is... This is Hoseok... One of my long time friends! He's... He's not trying to attack me!!!"
Taehyung's words were interrupted by fits of laughter, the older now full on laughing as Jungkook looked back at him.
The man on his other side - Hoseok - joined in, although he still seemed a little confused.
Taehyung calmed down slowly and wiped the tears that had spilled from his intense laughter.
Jungkook was still confused, but also a little remorseful as he looked back at Hoseok.
Taehyung's friend stretched out his hand and smiled widely at Jungkook. The younger took his hand and decided then and there that someone with such a bright smile couldn't be a threat and that he might have overreacted.
He scratched his head awkwardly.
"Sorry, Hoseok hyung? I thought you were someone Tae didn't want to see..."
Taehyung stepped next to him and pulled him into a hug.
"You're so adorable Kookie!"
Jungkook felt his cheeks blush and watched Taehyung take one more step and engulf Hoseok in a hug.
"Hi, Hoba!"
"Hey, Tae! What are you doing here? I'm surprised to see you down here. Is everything okay?"
Taehyung nodded and stood back next to Jungkook.
"Yes, we just had to go to the workshop because of Jungkook's car."
Hoseok looked at Jungkook and nodded.
"So you're the mysterious man Jimin told me about."
Jungkook glanced at Taehyung, who was grinning and nodding at his friend.
Adorable, the younger thought, and nodded as well.
Hoseok kept on smiling at them, his eyes flickering from one to the other, as if he was seeing something unbelievable. Finally, he turned to Taehyung.
"OK, I really would love to stay and chat some more, but I gotta run some errands for the dance studio. You know how Chim gets when I'm late. But I guess we'll see each other soon, now that the road is open again!"
The painter nodded, hugged his friend once again and waved him off after Jungkook had also said his goodbyes.
Taehyung put his hand into Jungkook as soon as they started walking towards the grocery store again.
He looked at the older with fondness, the soft smile on Taehyung's lips brightening up Jungkook's whole world.
He was really lucky to have found this beautiful man. And although he had a harsh past and many demons he had to fight, Jungkook just knew that he would fight with him and stay by his side.
Taehyung suddenly looked at him, his face showing surprise.
"Is everything OK, Kookie?"
"Ahh.. Yes of course! Why wouldn't it be?"
"You keep staring at me."
Jungkook smiled, stopped and put a hand on Taehyung's cheek.
The older blushed immediately and averted his gaze.
"I keep staring because you're you and I can't believe how lucky I got to find you."
Taehyung lifted his gaze again and smiled softly.
"Right back at you. I'm so glad you stepped into my life."
The kiss that followed was only a quick peck but also a promise for much more.

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