17. This Thing Called Love

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On Saturday the four went out for a walk through the woods, Yeontan jumping around them like crazy.
The snow had melted down to a low layer, so it was much easier walking around than it had been a week ago.
Taehyung's hand was held by Jungkook, Jimin was walking on his right side, and Hoseok on Jungkook's left. The other three were talking about their lives, what they had studied and what their interests were, while Taehyung just listened. He felt so content and happy, it was a little scary at times. The fact that he found someone who cared for him so deeply as Jungkook did, despite his past and the burden he was carrying, was still a miracle to him. He smiled while looking down, remembering the way Jungkook had looked at him in the morning when Taehyung had woken up. The younger had been staring at him with a look that made Taehyung's insides feel all mushy and soft. He had reached out and stroked Taehyung's hair, while whispering how beautiful the older was. These  words of praise were like honey and dripped right into Taehyung's heart.
Taehyung felt a squeeze of his hand and looked up to meet big brown eyes, looking lovingly at him.
"Everything okay, Tae?"
Taehyung nodded and smiled.
"Of course, Kookie. Everything's fine!"
Jungkook smiled and pulled their intertwined hands up, giving the back of his hand a soft kiss.
A cough from Taehyung's right side pulled them out of their own world and they looked in the direction to look at a coughing Jimin, who was rolling his eyes.
"God damn it, why are you guys so sweet?"
Hoseok chuckled, patting Jungkook's shoulder.
"Don't mind him guys, he's just afraid to get a sugar rush."
Taehyung giggled, shaking his head. These guys were really something else.

When they got back from the walk, Jungkook went upstairs to call his family. He hadn't talked to them in some days and he felt a little guilty about it.
Just when he picked up his phone, he saw an incoming message from Yoongi. Being the quiet and short-spoken person he was, his message consisted of a short

Everything's alright, Kooks?

Jungkook chuckled and clicked on his contact name. Might as well call him first.
Yoongi picked up after the second ring.
"Hey, Kooks!"
"Hi hyung. How are you? How is work?"
"I'm pretty alright. Been working on some songs, but nothing final yet."
"Oh, I'd love to listen to them when they're finished."
"You know you will at some point. How is life up there on the mountain?"
"It's good. Taehyung's friends are over right now and we spent some time with them. They're really nice. Really funny and loud. It's a nice change to the normally quiet house."
"Yeah, loud and funny, totally sounds like my kind of people."
Jungkook chuckled.
"Hyung, you forget that I know you for quite some time now. You LOVE loud and funny people."
Yoongi grumbled.
"OK... But only in small doses."
"Yeah, well Jimin, Tae's best friend, is a small dose. He's really tiny."
"Not what I was referring to."
Jungkook laughed some more. He loved to tease his hyung, an art that he had learned from his brother. Jin was a master in annoying others, but he always did it in a cute and funny way, so no one was mad at him for too long.
"So, tell me," Yoongi continued, "how is that boyfriend of yours? Jin told me you're dating?"
"Yes. And he's wonderful. Cute and lovely and such a talented artist. His pictures are amazing."
"That sounds almost too perfect?"
"Well, he is perfect for me."
"But there is something others might see as not so perfect?"
Jungkook debated whether to tell him about Taehyung's situation or not. It was not his place to tell Taehyung's story, but he also knew that Yoongi wouldn't judge and he also wouldn't run around and spread it to anyone else. So he decided to give him at least a little knowledge.
"He has anxiety attacks. Something happened in his past that he has to cope with and it gets too much sometimes. But you know that my mom had those attacks as well, so I know how to deal with them."
"He is one lucky guy that it was you who suddenly stood in front of his door and not anyone else."
Jungkook chuckled.
"That's what Jimin said as well."
"Well, this Jimin guy is an intellectual then."
Jungkook smiled.
"I'm sure you will meet him soon!"
"Oh how I look forward to this..."
The sarcastic tone of Yoongi's voice made the younger laugh.
"OK, grumpy. I gotta go now. I want to talk to mom and Jin now."
"Do that Kooks! We'll stay in touch."
"Of course, Hyung. Bye!"
Yoongi said goodbye as well and they hung up.
Jungkook was about to dial Jin's number when a light knock made him look up. Taehyung's head popped up in the door and Jungkook's heart immediately made a jump, happy to see his boyfriend.
"Hey Tae, what's up?"
"We were thinking of playing some games..."
He stepped in, walked the short distance to Jungkook and sat down on his lap.
"...and I miss you."
His words were accompanied by a pout. Jungkook smiled and put his arms around Taehyung, kissing his pout away.
"Aw, babe, it's just been some minutes and you already miss me?"
Taehyung giggled and pressed his nose into Jungkook's neck.
"Yes, I do... I'm addicted to you, Kookie..."
It was just a whisper, but Jungkook understood every word. He smiled, feeling butterflies go off in his stomach. He pulled the older closer, and inhaled deeply.
"So am I to you, Tae. So am I."
Taehyung stayed for some more minutes, they exchanged more kisses and hugs, until they heard Jimin yell for Taehyung.
"I guess you're needed downstairs, babe."
Taehyung nodded and got up.
"We'll be waiting for you, Kookie."
He gave Jungkook a kiss on his nose and left the room.
Jungkook smiled, simply happy about having Taehyung by his side.

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