Chapter 17 The Thanksgiving Dinner Part 1

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Jax P.O.V

While I was hugging Andi my Thanksgiving dinner crossed my mind.I wanted to invite Andi to meet my family.Including Emily.

Jax:Andi will you go to my Thanksgiving dinner?

She pulled away from the hug.I didn't want to seem clingy so I let go too.She looked at me shocked but happy at the same time.Mixed emotions I guess.

Andi:Of course I would love to!I get to meet your family and I g-

I zoned out after that she kept talking fast about meeting my family and what not.Soon I felt a hard substance connect with my face.I quickly unzone out and look at Andi.She looked mad real mad.

Andi:Jax one of the main parts of a relationship is listening and your not listening.

Jax:I'm sorry I just have a lot of tho-

I then remember a quote from the fault in our stars.That is the first movie Andi loved that wasn't action or horror.

Jax:My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.

Andi:Awwww!Jax you just quoted Augustus!

I smiled.We then said bye because the bell rang and that means get up and go grab your stuff then get your butt to the next period.

Emily P.O.V

It was nice talking to Charisma.As I was walking to my class I started thinking about what would happen after school and stuff.Then I remembered I have my Thanksgiving dinner after school.I have to cancel my session with Charisma!I walked quickly to Chemistry as I entered Charisma was in the back of the class.I didn't know she was in my chemistry class!I took a seat next to her and started talking to her as she looked at me her look was filled with worry concern and nervousness.I decided to ignore it.It just must be a family problem or something.I then started to speak with her.

Emily:Charisma I have to cancel our piano session.I have my Thanksgiving dinner after school.But you can come to my dinner.

Charisma:I would love to go to your dinner but can you please go to another seat.

I felt offended.She then slowly turned her head to the front of the room.

Charisma P.O.V

Everybody's eyes were on me and Emily but mostly on me.I have social anxiety.But I have became friends with one of the most popularest girl in school.I could see people's eyes shooting daggers at me.I saw as Emily left the desk next to me she rolled her eyes and sat next to one of her other popular friends.I could feel people's eyes leave me and focus on the Miss Nelson the teacher.I could hear Miss Nelson voice get smaller as I zone out.Then something catches me by surprise.

Miss Nelson:Charisma why dont't you tell us the formula of water.

I go slowly up to the board.My heart beat quickening.My hands shaking.I grab the smartboard pen the color red and slowly and neatly write H2O.I then kept my head down as I head back to my seat.Miss Nelson clapped her hands and said correct so perky.I kept my head down the rest of class and the teacher didn't mind.What if I wrote the formula too slow.What if I didn't write it neat enough.What if people think of me as the teacher's pet?!All this what if scenarios went through my head until I bump into someone.One of the most popularest guy in school.Sam Johnson.He is smart bubbly kind and honest plus he is athletic.But only girls like Emily or Bella can get him.I'm a nerd and I'm proud of it.Most people don't know I don't only make examples for art class I also do English essays or even more.The principal saids if I do that all four years of high school I get full paid college of my choice.I want to make my parents proud they don't have that much money.I mean he does like smart girls but I know I'm not just at the pretty level for him.I know I am beautiful in my own way and it's intelligence.

Sam:I'm sorry.

I keep my head down and started to mumble.

Charisma:It's fine.(mumbles)

Sam:Wait your Charisma.Your really smart.You know I have been failing math.Could you tutor me?

I blush really hard.He knows me.He thinks I'm really smart!He asked for me to tutor him!I still keep my head down.

Charisma:Sure.I would love to.

Sam:Thanks.Here is my number.You can probably call me tomorrow because I have to go to a Thanksgiving dinner tonight.

I stutter.


He then walks away.I put my head up and smile really big.I'm sure I looked like a idiot.

Emily P.O.V

I'm still mad at Charisma!Why would she ask me to move to another seat?!Is she mad at me because I canceled our piano session?I don't even want her to come to my Thanksgiving dinner anymore because she is so rude.But I will let her come because I want to become the bigger person in this situation.Wait I see her!I go up to her and give her a angry glare.


She seemed modest.

Emily:Why would you tell me to move to a different seat?!

Charisma:I'll tell you after school.Meet me in the art room after 8th period.

Emily:You better not take me to your house for that piano session after I canceled it!

Charisma:I won't!

Emily:Why are you so happy?!

Charisma:Because I just talked to Sam my crush and he said to tutor him but not today tomorrow because he had to go to this Thanksgiving dinner like me.

Sam had a girlfriend.She was Gigi Rueda and they were going to my Thanksgiving dinner where Charisma is going too.Well there is going to be some drama!I will not tell Charisma.It will bring stress on her.

Emily:Yay.Good for you.

I then started to look for Mac because I wanted to ask him to go to our Thanksgiving dinner.I found him still at his locker with Camilla.I don't like her but I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me either.

Emily:Mac I was wondering,if you would want to go to my Thanksgiving dinner tonight with me?

Her eyes widened and then opened her mouth to speak but then Mac beat her to it.

Mac:I would love to.

Emily:Great.You can go to Andi's house because I'm pretty sure she is coming too.


I am so proud of myself.I wrote 1,036 words not including this author note.So as the title saids yes it's part one.So I will upload part two next week.I'm also so happy I started to write high quality chapters like this one.You can really start to feel the characters emotions.It's like you can play them!So anyways Baiiiii Sailors ~J

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