Chapter 4

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*Skye's POV*

"So I'm thinking that we should start working on our project this afternoon. Don't you think?" Alex says panting as he reaches me in the corridor.

"Out of breath much?" I smirk back.

"Well sorry I did run down the corridor to reach you"

"Well sorry you ran for nothing. Bye!" I say walking away.

His arm latches around my wrist stopping me from moving further away from him.

"Please..." He pleads softly.

"Okay" I say walking back next to him. "What do you suggest?"

"You can come to mine if you'd like?"

My breath hitches in my throat. Me alone with Alex Anderson in his house. That's a recipe for disaster if you ask me.

"Umm sure okay" I say back.

"What about your daughter?" He asks.

"Joel will take care of her, I'm sure he won't mind"

"Speaking of dweedledum where is he?"

"I haven't seen him in a bit, he's probably talking to a teacher or a friend or something"

"Oh alright, well I'll text Troye and tell him to find his own way home because your gonna driving with me today" he smiles.

"Oh alright" I say my face falling a little.

"Why don't you like him?" He questions seriously.

"I can't tell you" I say looking down to the ground.

"You can tell me anything" he says putting his finger under my chin and tilting my face up to face him.

"Some things are better kept as secrets. I'll see you this afternoon" I say walking away towards my classroom.

"Bye!" He calls down the corridor.

Thank god I got out of that one.

Thinking back to what Alex said about Joel, I can't help but realise that I haven't seen him at all today I don't think.

Pulling out my phone and sending a quick 'where are you?' text to Joel, I settle down in my seat ready to learn.

Halfway through the lesson I feel a buzz in my pocket, meaning someone texted me. I was excited to see where Joel was, I needed to tell him some things.

In actual fact I had 2 new messages. Weird. Joel and my parents are the only numbers I have in there and my parents definitely don't text.

I open Joel's first and read that he went home sick and he has Siena with him. I sent him a message back asking if he can watch her this afternoon because I have to do something. He obviously complied, it's Joel.

Once Joel was done I look to the message from an unknown number.

I'll see you soon Birdy -Alex

How'd he get my number?

How'd you get my number you stalker? I send back.

I'm Alex Anderson remember, I know people. See you soon Birdy :)

My heart flutters abit when I read Birdy. Why did he call me that?

I quickly save his number to my contacts before putting my phone back in my bag so I don't get caught.

Why I was counting down the minutes to get out of class to see Alex I don't know. But boy I was.

I'm stupid I know. What can I say, he's growing on me.

Once the final bell rang, I walked as a extremely fast pass to the front part of the school and towards the car park.

I spot him, leaning against the hood of his highly expensive car, looking like one of the sexy bad boys out of all the movies.

Sexy bad boys? Oh my what's happening to me.

"Heey" he smiles as I approach him.

"Everyone's staring at me" I say slightly uncomfortable.

"Obviously. Your beautiful." He says opening the car door for me.

I try to hide the blush appearing on my face as I hop into the car.

The car is so clean and smells strongly of peppermint. I'm worried if I move a muscle I'll break something so I stay dead still.

"Ready to go?" He says sitting down in the drivers seat.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I say as he starts the ignition.

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