Stay By My Side I(DahMo)

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"Leave me alone." I refrain myself from shouting as I continue walking in the school's hallway. As much as I can, I'm not doing anything to gain attention.

Today is just a usual routine of my life when I would wake up in the morning, do my morning routine and attend my class schedules, and oh, listening to this annoying girl who keeps on following me wherever I go.

"Let's eat lunch together, okay?" She said completely ignoring what I have told her for the nth time since she started bugging my life. This girl...

"No. I'll eat alone." I coldly said and sit on my designated seat. Sadly to say, she's my classmate and my seatmate not because it was assigned but because she wants to.

It took her a while before answering since a lot of people are greeting her. She's famous and that's what I hate the most. I want a private and silent life but with her tailing me, I couldn't seem to have that.

"No, Dub. Whether you like it or not, you'll come and eat with me. Don't worry it's just the two of us, I promise I wouldn't bring my other friends." She raised her right hand and placed it on top of her chest, "Cross my heart. Only yours."

I rolled my eyes at her and just remained silent. I am used to this girl beside me, I don't know when she started bugging me but I just woke up one day, I already have a roommate which was vacant for almost three years.

Three years ago...


I shook my head to avoid the flooding memories from remembering. I do not wish to remember it anymore. But as much as I don't want to dwell on the past, I couldn't seem to forget it and couldn't move forward. I heaved a sigh, closed my eyes, and formed my hands into a ball. Not now, Dahyun. Forget it for now.

"Are you okay?" I heard her asked me but I didn't answer. She held my fist and forcefully opened my fingers and intertwined it with hers.

I confusedly look at her, "Momo." I called her silently but she just smiled.

"I know you need this."

Classes have ended and it is lunchtime. As expected, Momo pulled me into the garden and made me sit across her.

"Why here? What are we going to eat here? Grass?" I sarcastically said and crossed my arms.

She laughed, "No, silly. You think I didn't prepare for this?" She smirked and brought out the two lunchboxes from her bag and gave one to me.

I opened it and found three kinds of food. Bibimbap, Kimbap, and Dumplings.

"I personally made that."

"Really? Wow." I eagerly separate the chopsticks and tried the food with excitement. This is my first time to taste food that wasn't from a fast-food chain or Cafeteria, in short, homemade food.

I stopped eating when I realized that Momo isn't eating her food instead was just staring at me, "Why, what's wrong?"

She shakes her head, "Nothing. This is just my first time seeing your eyes sparks with excitement."

I was taken aback and weakly smiled, "This is my first time eating homemade food after... After..."

"It's okay, Dub. Go eat. I put special ingredients there." She said with an understanding smile. I creased my forehead upon hearing it.

"What ingredient?"

She smirked, "Love." then winked at me.

I couldn't help myself but playfully rolled my eyes at her. If she thinks she would make me fall for her that way, she's wrong. But, I like her presence.

But questions began flooding my mind.

"Why are you doing this, Momo? I tried to avoid you many times. I tried to shut you down. I tried to ignore your presence. But why are you so persistent in getting my attention? Why do you chose to stay with me whom you don't even know a single thing about? Why Momo?"

She seems taken aback but managed to show me one of her genuine smiles, "Whew. That was one of the longest sentences came from you ever since I've stuck on you."

I didn't answer but I eat a whole dumpling before looking at her again.

She laughed and put down her lunch box before looking at me seriously, "I'm doing this because I want to..." She paused, "And maybe because I want to repay you for saving my life."

"What?" Did I hear it right?, "I saved your life?" I unbelievably reiterate what she has said. How come? I never saved anyone, all my life I was just in my room avoiding people.

Momo smiled, "Yes, Dahyun, you did. I don't understand why you didn't remember it at all. Do you remember three years ago you went to Jeju-do?"

"Dahyun, here, go buy ice cream for yourself. I will just meet someone, okay? I'll meet you here." My mom said to my seventeen years old self. We are currently at Jeju-do for something that she doesn't want me to know what.

"Can't I just go with you, mom?" I don't want to bore myself here alone. And definitely want ice cream, gosh. That's only for kids.

"I'm sorry, baby. Please listen to mom, okay? Always know that I love you so much." She kissed my forehead and stared at me for a very long time before she leaves.

Why does she sound like saying goodbye?

Anyways, now what? I heaved a sigh and walk on the sidewalk while looking at the beauty of the ocean nearby. I inhale the cold breeze of air hitting my face and blowing my hair. There are a lot of people in this place, maybe they are on their family vacation or a field trip since there are a lot of children everywhere.

My eyes landed on this girl's back sitting alone and occasionally wiping her face. She's probably crying. I really hate seeing someone cry, it makes me cry too though I cannot clearly see her knowing that she's crying, alone, breaks my heart.

Since I'm bored. I bought two ice cream in a cup and hold my handkerchief before going down to where she's at.

I heard continuous sniffs from her. She's crawling with her head down low and hugging her knee.

"Hey, stop crying." I frowned when she didn't answer. I tried again multiple times but to no avail until I give up and just sit next to her and eat my chocolate ice cream with a little annoyed reaction on my face.

After a while, she finally lifts her head and was shocked to find that there's someone next to her.

She looked at me with her puffy eyes and red nose, "W-who are you?"

"I'm Dahyun. Here, wipe your tears and eat Ice cream with me. Whenever I'm sad I always eat ice cream." I said while giving her my handkerchief and the avocado ice cream which was originally hers.

She was hesitant at first but I insisted so she has no other choice but to accept.

"So what happened?" I asked while she's eating, "Don't worry, there is a saying that goes like sharing your problem with a stranger is much better, there's no judgment at all." I reassured her.

She shook her head, "My case is different. Look at these." She showed me her arms, stomach, and legs with so many bruises and wounds.

I stood up out of shock and looked at her with fear in my eyes, "W-what happened to that? W-ho... Who did that to you?" I said before coming near her again and hug her out of sympathy.

"M-my foster parents." she started crying again, "They made me like a punching bag whenever they are frustrated, angry, or drunk. Until... My father tried to... To rape me yesterday but I managed to get away with him. I'm scared that they will find me."

I hugged her tightly when she wept. I have a plan on my mind to help her but a tragedy happened right at that moment.

To be continued...

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