Last Story of SaiDa

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Dahyun was on the rooftop, looking up at the skies and counting stars. This becomes her routine, every day, after a hectic day. She's sulking over her manager who keeps on picking on her at work but she couldn't blame her.

Office work is not her forte, she isn't fond of sitting in an airconditioned room surrounded by computers and papers, it sucks for her. She finished Musical Arts but she ended up working in an office works just because of her very one reason, her passion died down.

She doesn't know what happened but she just can't play her piano anymore. She can't play any song. She can't think of a new song to compose. She felt drained and burnt out. Her life is so demanding, reports, meetings, paperwork, her work is driving her life. She couldn't get loose.

Suddenly, her phone rang and vibrated in her pocket indicating that someone's calling her, she fished out her phone and looked at the caller's ID. Im Nayeon.

She sighed before pressing the accept button, "Yes?"

"I knew you're still awake. Come down here, roof girl. And why is your fridge empty?" Dahyun heard a sound of scrambling things and Nayeon mumbling something in the background and she knew by then that her house was infringed by a clumsy old hag.

"Wait for me. Don't break my things, unnie." Dahyun said before standing up and descending the ladder down to the veranda of her room.

She saw Nayeon munching one of her favorite Chocopie with her feet on the table, scrolling through her phone. Take note that she's wearing a dress so her black control briefs are peeking through.

Dahyun tapped her feet, "Excuse me, missy, in case you forget, you're wearing a dress. You can't just put up your clothes like that and let anyone see your soul." She lectured gaining a rolled eyes from the older.

"Whatever, Ms. Prim and Proper Of The Year." She snarkily remarks, putting down her feet.

Dahyun walked over to her fridge, getting water for her dry throat, "So, what brings you here? What do I owe this very special visit from the not so special Im Nayeon?"

Nayeon snicked, glaring at the younger, "You rumbled your words, Kim. Anyway, dress up. We're going somewhere life-changing." Nayeon said, finishing her choco pie.

"You mean, parties? No way." Dahyun rejected, knowing the older's antics, she will just leave her there for some random guys or girls, like the last time. She had enough.

"C'mon! Stop being so antisocial! How would you find that inspiration you are looking for if you aren't going out of your comfort zone? Just this one, Dahyunie, please?"

"I'LL GET US DRINKS! STAY HERE, OKAY!?" Nayeon shouted but Dahyun didn't hear anything at all because of the loud music and dubstep genre playing in the whole party room.

"WHA-- HEY! WHERE ARE YOU-- ARGH!" Right, this is what she's talking about. Nayeon leaving her and blending in with the pool of party people.

Dahyun sighed, annoyed. Finding somewhere to sit and found one at the very end of the place where it was dim but at least only a few people are there.

She sits on one of the sofas beside a girl with a short orange haired girl who's mirroring the same expression as her, annoyed and bored. She saw the girl looking at her by her peripheral vision but she didn't mind her. She's couldn't focus because of the bass that shakes her whole being. She really despises this kind of genre, she's more into a classical and relaxing melody.

Dahyun tried closing her eyes and covering her ears to lessen the irritating sound trying to break her ears. She stayed at that for a while until she felt something poking her cheeks.

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