Last Story of DaTzu

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Night Sky

Dahyun loves the sky, especially when it's night time. She loves the sparkle of the stars and the adequate light the moon gives to brighten the earth. It's so cool for her how countless stars are scattered above.

She was on the balcony of their room, sitting on a chair with a cup of hot chocolate beside her. The other girls are either asleep or still on their phone, she doesn't mind at all, as long as they will not disturb her she's fine.

"Dahyun unnie?"

Dahyun's heart almost jumps out of her chest when she heard someone calls her, she held her chest, breathing heavily as she shot her head back.

"Tzu, are you planning to kill me?" She asked whisper shouting to the girl who's standing near the sliding door.

Tzuyu smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep and I know you're always here so I.. May I.. Uhm.." She fiddles with her fingers, too shy to ask if she could join the alone time of Dahyun.

Dahyun looked at the younger girl amused, she wonders if she's too intimidating for her to fiddles that much, "Tzuyu, you can join me." She softly said.

The older points the other chair across her, urging Tzuyu to sit there. Tzuyu slowly walks towards it, closing her eyes as soon as the cold night breeze of air hit her face.

Dahyun was mesmerized. She could feel how her heart flatters when she stares at her. The very defined features of Tzuyu under the moonlight are breathtaking, her brown long hair flowing with the rhythm as the wind blows. Perfect.

Dahyun stared more, couldn't get enough of Aphrodite's daughter in front of her. This opportunity is once in a blue moon, she never gets the chance to see this pleasing beauty all the time or this close. She's taking all of her time.

The younger girl slowly opened her eyes and stared at the skies. Dahyun gasps, feeling her heart skips a beat. How...

Dahyun loves the stars, the universe, everything up the skies. She never doubted it, not until now. It's so.. enticing.

Tzuyu felt the older girl staring at her, she looks at her and their eyes met. Once again, Dahyun gasps. The younger creased her forehead, weirded out by the pale girl's reaction. She looked over her shoulder to see if there's someone behind her but she found no one. Is she seeing things?

"Unnie, are you okay?" She tried to ask but no answer. She knew she's looking right through her eyes. Her mouth was slightly agape.

"Unnie?" She tried again but to no avail.

In Dahyun's view, Tzuyu's mouth was only opening and closing, she doesn't hear anything, she refused to hear anything. She doesn't want to tear her eyes from the universe.

She couldn't believe that it's possible to have a universe inside the eyes, and Tzuyu's is her proof. Her eyes are sparkling, drowning her and making her lost from reality and absorbing her whole self to the beauty of the universe.

Tzuyu tears her eyes from Dahyun's, a blush crept on her cheeks at the way how the older looks at her. Like she's the most admirable girl she has ever seen. She looks up again, not minding the eyes boring holes on her face. She hugs herself when another breeze of air blew.

And that air also made Dahyun back from reality, she blinks few times before looking at Tzuyu who's rubbing her arms, "A-are you cold?"

Tzuyu looks back at her, raising her brow, "You finally found your voice, unnie." She joked.

Dahyun smiled, "I'm speechless by your beauty." She admits, making Tzuyu blushed.

"You're beautiful too, unnie," Tzuyu replied, staring into Dahyun's physique.

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