Starting to feel normal

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A fresh day, a new start, finally I am going to start having a fun time away. B won't be mad at me neither will Lu, Miss.N is going to lay off I hope now she knows the B knows.

We are off to the theme park today, I am so excited to spend a day with everyone, share Lu's first rollercoster ride and to just get out, have a break and have the best time with everyone.

"Ally lets go, get up! we are going to the theme park woooooo" B is screaming like a freak

"ten more minutes" I groan

My phone all of the sudden vibrated and it read

"Ally can you tell Bridgette to shut up and go back to bed, we still have another half an hour till we have to get up!" I just laughed

"What's so funny grumpy pants?" B asks

"Miss N just text me to tell you to go back to bed, we still have another half an hour till we have to get up."


"GO TO BED" we hear from the room next to us

B and I giggle to ourselves knowing that Miss. N is going to get over it quickly and get back to sleep. Lu comes out of the shower and decideds to jump on my bed to get me up, it unofortunately works. I am up and ready within ten minutes. 

We arrive at breakfast and sit at the same table as Miss. N and Mr. H. I only eat half a mini crossiant for breakfast but the girls have laid off, all but one and she isn't a girl, she is a lady who acts like a girl. She doesn't mention anything thank goodness. We have the general chit-chat and then it's time to go. 

On the bus we all get, 15 minutes and we are hear, we get off the bus all excited, I am so excited I ran into a bush, grazes all down my leg I go to Miss. N and ask for a bandaid, when I am putting it on the school pastor, Wade comes up and makes a comment about me having a cutting issue.

"No! she just has a running into bushes issue" a quick, blunt reply was made by Miss. N with a look of dissapproval spread her face. 

"He didn't mean it, darlin." Miss. N whispers in my ear as she hugs me to make sure I'm okay. "Don't let it spoil your day"

To late, it already had, people shouldn't just go around saying stuff like that, what's the old saying... Don't judge a book by it's cover.

The day proceeds and I forget about the comment made, and I am enjoying the day, spending it with everyone, forgetting all the dramas that are  going on, becoming a bonded family that we all are in the performing arts. Lunch comes around and we all get given a sandwhich and bottle of water. I had one bite that's it, I couldn't eat anymore, I put it back in the packaging and hold it, I was not going to eat it. Jai was looking for some more to eat so when I said he could have it I get this look from her.

"did you eat any?"

I nod my head

"Did you eat any?" Miss. N asks again

"Yes" I say rudely, I couldnt control myself, I am becoming rude to the one I care for the most. 

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