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I woke up.

Light hurting my eyes. I opened my eyes fully soon after that and I realized I was in hospital.

I started crying "why. Who. Who are you? How dare you save me?? I was near to being happy!!why did you take it away??" I was shouting and screaming, ripping everything of off my body when medicals rushed in and injected me with something which made me unconscious and put me into the deep slumber.

I don't know how much time passed. But it felt like I was stuck in the middle of nowhere with no actual time.

When I woke up I saw a young guy sleeping on a chair next to my bed, having his head rest on the part of a bed.

I moved a little because I felt awkward since I did not recognize them. He woke up instantly.

When he looked at me I couldn't believe my eyes

"What are you doing here" a tear dropped from my eye. He wiped it off like last time.

"Saving you, I'm not letting you go, not on my watch, not today."

"But..." More pearly tears started falling, wetting my face and rolling down to my neck, saltiness staying on my lips

"No buts" he took my hands in and smiled at me.

"I hate to live Tae... I hate this world.."

"Okay then what about I show you how to live, how to be happy?" He grinned

"Give me time and I will really teach you how to... give me a month"

"No 2 weeks..." I mumbled.

"Umm isn't that umm really short period of time?"

I looked at him with my dead, dull eyes

"Okay okay. It's lot. 2 weeks are okay" he smiled awkwardly. I shook my head not believing him.

"How did you know where I lived?" I looked down

"I followed you..." he mumbled

"What about fansign?" I looked up with wide eyes.

"I said I was not feeling well and that was true but no one knew where I went soo" he smiled again.

"You are too energetic for someone who slept here" I rolled my eyes

"Well if I am not positive world won't seem positive" he beamed at me.

I scoffed "is that fisrs lesson by Kim Taehyung about 'How to continue living' or what?" I sarcastically remarked, imitating inverted commas when saying how to continue living to lock him more

"It can be! I think I should write a book about that" he brought his point finger near his chin and tapped it. Thinking about it and I believe he really thought it was a good idea. I can bet on that.

I shook my head. I was done with him.

"If you want we can leave now" he looked at me with sparkling eyes.

"It's 5 am?" I questioned

"Ok dummy it's just no one will see us and it will be easier for both of us."

I shrugged and murmured okay.

He helped me to get up and sneaked out. Going quickly to a parking lot.

"Mercedes, with engine of 5.5, with compressor, white one." I recalled loudly what I knew about this car  "I love this car.." I said once sat in the car. "And the speed of the car is just so amazing" I looked around taking everything in. Remembering it.

"How do you know all that..?" He looked amazed.

"I am into cars and guns. Strange hobbies for a girl but I enjoy those." I smiled weakly.

"What are you..." he sighed while shaking his head and starting to drive a car.

"A girl who has been trying to suicide since she remembers but failed miserably every time." I smiled. Showing him my best fake smile.

"Wait. It wasn't a first attempt?" He looked terrified.

"Nope. First my mum found me before she would die, then my brother, neighour, classmate, umm helping center too but no use." I shrugged. "Once I called the emergency because I got hope.  But I wish I never did"

"Where are your parents?" He glanced at me

"When I was 16 they got into an accident" I said bitterly "my brother is abroad, and I have no friends" I looked down

"Why?" He took my left hand in his right hand while other was steering the wheel.

"Do you think anyone would like to have a friend with suicidal thoughts? Depressed, suicidal friend? I don't think so." I shook my head tiredly.

"But I would stay by your side no matter what" he murmured, for himself.

"I don't thinks so"

"Huh? Aaah you heard what I said. Well... if they wanted to be friends with you they would do their maximum and even change you" he smiled at me. "Did u not even have a boyfriend who would help you?"

"My love story hasn't gone far rather than just crush, one sided love and liking fictional men who are better than 99.9%of real men ..." i trailed off in the end.

I looked at him trying to hide his smile. Asshole. Laughing at me.

He stopped a car before I could say something.

"Did you just brought me to the BTS dorm? How can you trust someone so recklessly?? What if I am saesang?" I yelled.

"Calm your nerves hon. I did background check on you and I think you didn't have any time to think where we were going and where we were staying while your mind was occupied by suicidal thoughts right?"

I couldn't utter a single word.

I shook my head and went out from the car going to the door. I knocked on it and Jimin opened it.

"Tae! What happened?" Then he saw me and went quiet. "Wait.  A girl from fansign who cried! E- E... Aish what was your name"

I rolled my eyes "Eva"

"Wait Kim Taehyung why is she here?" He exclaimed

"Who is here? Jungkook came to the door with red eyes. "Noona? You are alive!!" And he hugged me. Well I wasn't expecting that. First I froze but then I hugged him back.

"Well your hyung rescued me" I rolled my eyes.

"Wait what's happening here?" Jimin looked like a lost puppy.

I showed him my wrist and shrugged.

"Omo! Namjoon hyung!!!!" He shouted.

"Can we go inside? I'm freezing for gods sake" I said while rubbing my arms.

Tae nodded and took me inside. Kook was clinging on me for whole time

"Wait why are your eyes red?"I looked at look and he became shy

"Well..." he trailed of while giving me cheeky smile, his eyes disappearing and his bunny teeth appearing.

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