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"What were you thinking about?" screamed Taehyung while i was sitting on the hospital bed with some stitches on.

"For gods sake Tae calm down" Namjoon tried to calm him down but welp he couldn't.

"what were you going to do if u died on spot? are you 4 year old kid to dont look on sides while walking on the streets? Lemme guess you were in your thought! the hell Eva!" Tae continued screaming. after that he said more but i didnt even listened to him. my nails were more interesting.

the situation i am in right now? oh dear its a mess!!!

i was accidentaly pushed into the mirror when i was passing by the shop and got hurt a little. thats it. and he acts like a truck almost killed me and i just woke up from the coma. well not happening.

"Umm... Sir.. Ma'am. you can leave now..." a nurse awkwardly said and left instantly after Taehyung looked at her with a glare.  okay thats  enough of the angry tae today.

"Oh my god i didnt die okay? calm down please" i said and kissed him on the cheeck hoping it would help and guess what? it did help.

"im just worried about you..." he mumbled.

i just smiled at him happily and left the room while hearing how they teased tae.

"guyss im hungry" i pouted

"eww dont do that u are disgusting" yoongi just... ugh.. i dont even wanna comment on this

"and you my dear are master of disgust!" i smilled cutely and looked at namjoon. (if any army nctizens here they will understand)

"what do u want to eat?" he asked while slowly nodding his head

"you" i said instantly and laughed.

"taehyungaaaah" i shouted cutely


"you want to sleep with me right?"

"w-what? call the nurse now!"

boys were looking at us confused. not understanding what was happening but i felt great. i was feeling numb. every feeling i had vanished somewhere.


"what is wrong with her?" asked jin as soon as nurse came in the room

"oh that... well she was in lot of pain so we had to give her some strong drugs and shes little bit high now... we didnt have any other choice sir."

"and now we have crazy and horny Eva... how great is that?!" yoongi exclaimed. sarcasm noticiable in his voice.

"why yoongz? you want me to be yours and no one else's?" She laughed " why didnt you say sooner?" She licked his ear lobe

"okay we need to stop her" Jimin mumbled . him saying that and me throwing her over my shoulder was same.

" no people for you today" i murmured

"uuu nice ass! and how hard it is!" she laughed crazily after slapping it

"stop spanking me or you will be in trouble after you analyze everything young lady"

"do i get punnished daddy?"

that dom nickname stopped me on my track. slapping her ass hard i continued walking

"uuu daddy is greedy! "

"stop callling me that!" i hissed at her and contined walking. its going to be a hard night.

after we arrived at home she was still the same but little bit sleepy.

"eva" i said calmly after one of her thirsty comment which i got used to

"yes daddy?"

"i had hard day okay? please lets just sleep. i have to wake up early tomorrow. go sleep please" i pleaded her already.

i guess me pleading her made her feel sorry for me. she left for hobis room after bidding me goodnight.

i closed my eyes and felt the beds comfortable softness. i was tired enough to fall asleep at the same time as i hit my head on the pillow. after who knows how long i felt my bed deep and familiar warmth touch my skin. who knows what time it was.

A/N: hiii guysss i missed youuu thank you for patiently waiting for updates! i lovee you all!


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