Chapter 39

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Luna's POV

"Sorry could you repeat that." I said to Dawn hoping that maybe I heard her wrong.

"You're not leaving. Mr Grey hired you back but as his personal maid." She said beaming at the fact that I won't be leaving her alone.

My heart literally sank and I could feel my blood get colder by the second.
My head was clouded and I felt light headed.

"Gail? Gail are you okay?" Said Dawn's voice but it started fading as I felt dizzy and everything went black.

My head felt heavy by the time I could feel my body again. The surface I was laying on was unfamiliar.
I opened my eyes and found myself facing the ceiling. Even the ceiling was unfamiliar.
I jolted up as I remembered what had happened in the hallway.

"Good you're awake."

I almost jumped when I heard that. In search of who it came from I wasn't surprised at as I knew his voice.

He stood staring out the glass window with his back facing me.
I remembered what Dawn told me but I couldn't understand what happened, nor what I was doing here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the man who was in the room with me.

"Actually what am I doing here." I asked again as I took in my soroundings and noticed that this was Sin's room and I was currently lying in his bed and beneath his covers.

"Slow down princess. I'm taking you don't remember shit." He said as he turned around and only then did I take note that he had a lit cigar between his fingers.
I didn't bother looking at his face or into his eyes like we I normally do, not that I didn't want to but because I couldn't bring myself to do it after all the shit that went down yesterday.

"What is there to remember?" I asked my voice a bit trapped in my throat so it came out in a low tone.

He took a huff of his cigar and moved from the window to stand in front of me right where the bed ends.

"Let's just say you fainted in the hallway, though you should still remember it's only been a few minutes."

"Oh." Was all I said when I remembered what exactly caused my sudden fall.

"Then what am I doing here?" I asked.
He then went backwards from the bed and sat on one of the two couches that occupied the front space of his room.

"Don't act like you don't like it Angel." He said taking another huff of his ciggar.

"Like what?" I asked getting a bit annoyed at him not directly answering my question.

"Being here in this room, after all it's not your first time lying in that bed." He said and if I could see myself right now I knew my face was a tinge red.
I mean he's right I've been here and the images in my head of me being here where nothing but dirty thoughts.

"That wasn't my question Sir." I stated and it was as if though me calling him sir did something to him. It confused me because this wasn't my first time calling him that.

"What was your question then Miss October." He said in a challenging form.

"Don't fucking act coy." I said getting angry.

"Ah, there it is he said and I could sense the satisfaction in his tone.
Confusion dawned on me on what he was talking about.

"That fire that you refuse to let out often. I don't fucking know who you were trying to fool but clearly not me."

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