Chapter 59 - An Unexpected Visit

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Luna's POV

My eyes nearly could not believe what I was seeing.

"You?" I asked again but in disbelief as I was standing face to face with my best friend.

I could feel my eyes begin to sting and tears forming in my eyes as I observed the human in front of me.

I could see her lips moving, trying to form words but before she could even say anything, Stacy collapsed and her weight fell right onto me.

Fortunately I cought her in time and I felt my heart sting at how lightweight she felt. Indeed Stacy   wasn't a chubby girl but right now she felt way too underweight.

"Stacy." I called out shaking her in my grasp, trying to wake her.

After a few seconds I downed on the fact that she was  unconscious.

I was happy and scared at the same time. I had no idea how Stacy got here and most importantly why she was here. Don't get me wrong it gave me a form of relief to see my best friend in the flesh after so long.

I was relieved that nothing ontoward had happened to her, especially taking into account where she was held this entire time.

CK, he had taken Stacy captive. So how was she here? My brain concluded that to two things.

It's either CK had decided to let her go or Stacy had somehow found a way to escape.

My thoughts were interrupted by the calm sound of dress should clicking against marble. The sound was coming from towards the stairs.

Panic came over me as I remembered that I was still holding a passed out Stacy in my hand and if my instincts were right, the person coming down the stairs would not take it lightly if he saw her.

As the footsteps sounded closer and downwards the stairs, my mind raced on what to do.

My eyes shot towards the large dining table that separated the penthouse entrance from the kitchen.

I silently hoped that what I was about to do was gonna work.

I gulped as the footsteps came to a still, a clear indication that the person was now down the stairs.

I let out a breath as the steps sounded again and a familiar cologne enveloped the room. Just then, the person who I had expected it to be came to my vision.

Sin made his way towards the kitchen. He didn't even look at my direction. I was grateful that he didn't because right now I was looking like a scared sheep.
Even my breathing was quite off and I hoped that he was far enough to not hear it.

I observed him as he entered the kitchen. He wore black dress shoes and a dark grey pantsuit, dark enough to be black from afar. His look was completed with a crisp black dress shirt. That was as much as I could see as he had his back faced to me.

The clicking of his dress shoes stopped as he stood in front of the fridge.
Opening it, he took out a bottle of water and gulped it down.

As I looked at him I felt shivers rundown my body. Not the shivers that you must be thinking about, no. Shivers of fear. Sin standing there drinking down a bottle of water seemed so normal, so average that when you look at him you'd never in your wildest dreams think he was capable of all the the things I've heard and seen him do.
Last night's deed included too.

That in itself made me shake in my boots. Another gulp was heard coming from me.

My mind threw itself into a very dark place as it pondered over what would happen if Grey came closer to me, close enough to spot the girl that I was currently hiding underneath his dinner table.

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