First day of school after break

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The school holidays came to an end. It was kinda saddening, but still... this school break was really hectic...
Mom woke me up, I got ready, we had breakfast together, and we parted ways. Mom and dad went to the college they worked in and I went to school.
I dolefully went back to class, thinking back if I finished all the given homework. I think I did, but I still felt doubtful. What if I missed one homework? What if it was maths homework, or worse! Chemistry...
So I just went and sat myself at my new desk, next to Daniel's. Linda wasn't in our class. The school put her in the lower form. They were gonna give her a test next week to see if she was smart enough to be in our form.
Daniel was late as always. Bobby was already there, early as usual.
"Hey Bobby," I said, turning around in my chair. "So where's Linda?"
"She's in the third form," said Bobby. "It's kinda weird, since she's like older than me, and she's in the lower form. And I, in the higher form..."
"You can't blame her, Bobby," I said. "In fact, no one can. The only ones to blame are the kidnappers. They wasted two years of her life, and caused her to not go to school."
"She has a different recess time than us, you know," Bobby said. "Her recess is an hour earlier than ours."
"Oh now that's a shame," I said. "We can't meet during recess. We can meet while waiting at the foyer."
Just then, Ash came in. She didn't wear her disguise as she thought it was no longer necessary. Also, she didn't like it since it was really uncomfortable...
Everyone looked at her as if she was a new student. She sat at her usual spot. The girl that sat at next to Ash on the next isle, Daphne, even tried to tell her that someone else sat there.
"Hi you must be new," said Daphne. "There's actually someone sitting there."
"Uh... who?" Ash asked, confused.
"Ash," Daphne answered. "Believe me, you wouldn't wanna sit at her place. She's really scary. She'd glare at you, and pierce through your soul! She'd probably eat you alive too!"
"Well, then let's just see about that," Ash said, calmly sitting down on her chair and putting her bag down. She even changed her bag. But it actually looked older than her black one. It was a pinkish purple backpack, with black zips. Bobby started laughing, but Ash stepped his foot, motioning him to keep quiet.
"Oh please, listen!" Daphne said. "She's a creep! There's an empty spot right there, next to Lea. You can sit with her. She's super nice."
"Nah it's okay," said Ash. "I'll just face the consequences of sitting here. Whoever that Ash girl is, I'm not scared of her."
I tried really hard not to laugh at Ash. I somehow managed to suppress my laughter and keep silent.
Just then, I received a text. It was from Ash, in our group chat.
Ash: Just pretend u don't know me
Ash: Act like I'm new here.
Ash: Got it?
Daniel: Y?
Me: Just do it
Bobby: Yeah
Daniel: Aight
Daniel: Just see what I'll do!
Me: Where are u anyway?
Daniel: Otw
Daniel: Near the school gates
Daniel: Be there in a few minutes
After a few minutes, Daniel walked in. He came to his desk and stopped short.
"Oh a new girl!" He exclaimed. "Hey there! What's your name?"
Ash stared at him for a moment as if to say 'seriously?' But then she answered with a smile.
"It's Ashley," she said to our surprise. "Ashley Reynolds. How about you?"
"Daniel," said Daniel. "Daniel White. Nice to meet you, Ashley."
I was kinda surprised. Even though Ash said her full, real name, nobody actually noticed that she was just fooling around with the 'new student' thing.
Daniel sat down and started talking nineteen to a dozen about the school, about the teachers, classes, subjects and stuff that Ash already knew...
Ash looked really bored. She took her phone out and texted something in the group.
Ash: Daniel
Ash: That's enough
Daniel: Y?
Ash: It's getting boring...
Daniel: Fine...
Me: Lol
Bobby: Hahahahahaha
Daniel turned away from Ash and started taking out his books for the first subject which was history.
The history teacher came in and thought us. Mrs. Jones didn't really teach much, just discussed our homework. After that was chemistry. I was very relieved to find that I did indeed finish all the homework.
Third period, maths.
"Did you do your homework?" I asked Daniel.
"I think so..." said Daniel. "Yeah I have. Yes!"
"Woo big celebration," I said with fake enthusiasm. "A very big achievement, don't you think?"
"Haha very funny," Daniel said with annoyance. "Just because you managed to finish it..."
"Anyway, what did you get on page thirty?" I asked. "I had some with it. I'm not sure if my answer is right..."
"Wait what?" Daniel asked, shocked. "What do you mean page thirty? I thought we were only supposed to do until page twenty?"
"You're dead," I deadpanned. "She's gonna scream at you!"
"Oh no!" Daniel said, frantically looking for his pencil which was right in front of him, but he didn't see it in his panic mode. "I have to finish it before she arrives!"
I watched in amusement as he started to hurriedly do the work. Then suddenly the class monitor, Lucy came in.
"Guys, Mrs. Arnie isn't here today," Lucy said. "She's on MC."
"Yay Martha isn't here!" Daniel said, putting his book away. "So I guess I'm free."
"I suggest you finish it so that you'll be free later," I said. "Do it while you're free."
"Yeah I guess you're right," said Daniel and opened his maths book again. "I'll just do it."
Well, he didn't. He did the first few pages, and fell asleep! He slept with his hand supporting his head.
I wanted to chat with Ash, but she kept saying that we shouldn't blow her cover and go on with the charades until the first teacher comes in.
So I ended up just reading on my phone. But before that... I scared Daniel awake. I banged on his table with both of my hands, causing him to jump and almost fall off his chair. I started laughing and he glared at me.
"Do your homework," I said.
"Fine..." he said and started doing. He did and fell asleep on the last question. I woke him up again.
"You're annoying..." he said and finally finished it. "Are you happy now?"
"Yes," I said. "See that wasn't so hard now, was-"
He was already asleep. This sleepy head. He must have stayed up to finish up his homework or whatever. He must've procrastinated really bad...
We still had about half an hour left for break when we received a text from Linda.

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