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- Yellow is the brightest color of the visible spectrum, and it is the most noticeable of all colors by the human eye.




6:30 AM

It was only 6:30 in the morning when Dabi decided to wake you up from your slumber. You two didn't live with each other but considering that he has served as your brother figure for 2 years now only meant for him to take care of you in the long run. He knocked on the door for what seemed like an endless 15 minutes and yes, you did make him wait that long before getting up and opening the door to see his face light up in relief.

"And here I thought you wouldn't wake up." He said while patting your head. "Good morning, (your name)."

You groaned in response in which he returned with a frown.

"That's not how you greet people when they tell you good morning..." Dabi scolded.

"And you shouldn't wake people up at 6:30 am, bro."

Even though both of you were known as cousins, you would rather prefer calling him your sibling. When your parents died 2 years ago, his family decided to take you in and sending you both to the university you were now studying in. At first, you were shy to accept the offer but with a few convincing words from Dabi himself, he finally made you agree. You promised him that you'll do everything in your power to repay him for everything he has done for you-in which he would always tell you that he'd look forward to it.

However, there are days where you think he literally just stays all over your business. And that annoys you to a point where you just want to stay at home, not doing anything. He was always trying to find wherever you were going. He wanted to know who you were with. He would try to accompany you when you wanted to be alone. He was everywhere and he knew what you were doing.

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