12 || Butter

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Prerequisite: Music helps set the mood, so as much as possible, I guess you should listen to the songs I put before the chapter starts. I mean, that is if you want to.



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— "Your memory feels like home to me. So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it's way back to you."





"I'm really sorry."

You were now standing somewhere at the airport, pacing back and forth, breathing slowly and surely so that your beating heart won't jump right out of your mouth. Five years have passed and you still can't seem to forget the guy who left you hanging all those years.

What made you hold on? What was there to make you want to wait this long?

Why were you even overthinking this? You waited for this day to arrive. You waited for so long–you can't just back down. Those five years of agony just had to end now and you and Dabi had a plan–or so, it was what he wanted you to do.

"Flight 375 had just successfully landed in Japan."

A voice from the speaker chirped as if signaling the end of the agony you had been through. You looked around for a moment, careful for nobody to familiarize you. You were wearing a hoodie and some sunglasses, watching as passengers flood the area and greeted their loved ones.

In the corner of your eyes, you could see people crying, laughing, smiling, and happy. If only you could feel the same way, you would just be ecstatic as they are now. Their joy was contagious and you can't help but smile a little despite the reason you were here.

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