14 || Corn

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— What's meant to be will always find a way




4:45 AM

You had woken up from a dream come true. Truth be told, it has been a while since you dreamt about being together with the guy you love. The entirety of your life had been nothing but one filled with love that was given to you. But none of them compared to this. Your parents' death left a scar inside you that told you that you will never be able to love again.

But maybe that voice inside you was wrong.

Because here you were, wide awake, staring at the guy who had asked for a chance to be worthy of the love you have left inside of you. His breathing was slow and steady while he slept soundly with you wrapped around his arms. You smiled, as even with just this sight of him, the hole inside your heart had been filled up with the missing euphoria you once had.

You traced circles with your fingers around the bare skin on his shoulders. You thought about how lucky you were to have had him by your side. Yes, you may have lost him once but here he was again, ready to take back what was rightfully his. Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible.

Why did he choose to stay with you?

Well, Keigo always said that you were the one for him. His heart can't seem to stop beating uncontrollably when he hears your name or your voice. He loves being around you all the time. Keigo loves the way you because you were always so raw and natural—you didn't like faking things that needed genuineness. He stayed because you stayed with him too.

"I love you so much." You whispered as your fingers danced on the tips of his blonde hair. He shifted for a while before continuing to sleep again, he was really tired. You frowned as you thought about his departure a few days from now. There you would be again, missing him until he returns. You knew that being a pilot comes with the consequence of being far away but, you just needed more time.

Especially after those five years of not being able to see him.

Or hold him.

Or speak to him.

"I'll really miss you, you know that." You whispered again, still staring at his sleeping face, his mouth slightly opened. "I missed you for a very long time."

You could hear the subtle city noises outside the window of his hotel room. The noise was enough to distract you from talking too much and waking Keigo up from his slumber. Your thoughts were all over the place and you only wanted for it to stay like this for a very long time.

'Keigo snores like a baby' you thought as you grabbed his free hand and intertwined it with yours. 'And always the heavy sleeper.'

You chuckled silently at your own contemplations. You stared at how both your hands are molded perfectly with each other. You loved how much your body would just look smaller compared to his. You watched as his chest rises and falls as he sleeps and you can't help but admire how big of a heart he has for you and the people he cares about.

"They say if you love someone, set them free..." you stated to yourself, pouting as every word dropped from your lips. "But when I set you free, it didn't feel so right..."

The lack of replies only meant that Keigo was still asleep. So, you kept going on and on.

"I felt so alone without you beside me all the time. I missed your warmth just radiating from you when we're cuddling like this. I missed the softness of your lips pressed against mine or my skin, making me blush. I missed holding your hand, feeling secured."


"I really fell for you, stupid." You sighed happily. "But out of all those years of missing you, I'm just glad you're here with me now."

"I love you, sunflower." You stopped talking only to feel Keigo's arms tightly squeeze you into a hug. You were confused but also concerned at the sudden action. You blushed as you realize he had just been listening to you rambling on and on about how you felt.

"D-did you hear e-everything?" you asked, covering your face with your hands, hiding your embarrassment.

"Not quite, just the last few bits." His voice was groggy and it seemed like he was still ready to close his eyes. Slowly, he shifted from his position in order to be a little higher than you were. He pressed his lips on your forehead before slowly moving down to your nose and then your lips. You kissed him back as you wondered again how you were so lucky to have this romantic guy.

"You said something about how..." he trailed off, seeming like he was dozing off but you were surprised when he continued. "...if you love someone, set them free?"

"Mhm, yeah. What about it?" you placed your arm under his head and started playing with his hair again, his eyes drooping slowly as you do.

"If you love someone, set them free..." Keigo said while closing his eyes. "But if they come back, you are meant to be..."

You can't help but giggle at his sentiment. He pouted when he heard your laughter. Oh, how he missed making you laugh like this. Keigo put on a smile before placing your head in between his head and shoulder, while he placed his chin on top of your head. He needed both of you to stay like this for a while before he travels again. He needed something to hold on to and look forward to whenever he returns from his flights.

It's one more thing to keep the plane flying, at least.

"Are you still emotional, sunflower?" He asked with his eyes closed.

"No, not anymore."

"Good," this time, it was his turn to stroke your hair and running his fingers through it. "Please, get some sleep again. I really need you to stay quiet for me to be able to sleep."

You shook your head before cuddling in closer to him, your eyes slowly fluttering themselves close. All that mattered now was how both of you were tucked in the bed, sleeping with one another.

The sun had begun to rise in the window of the hotel room but both of you didn't mind it really. Every thought of doubt that ran through both your minds disappeared the moment the other was finally sound asleep. What happened in the past will never overpower what you have right now. And you'd be damned if you were to say both of you didn't like this.

Because both of you loved each other truly and deeply.

That alone was enough to keep both of you to hold on while you wait for his return after his departure.

Both of you were truly meant to be.  


A/N: Gosh, I'm actually sad that 14 and 15 would be short chapters but it is what it is :( I'm thankful for all the support everyone has given me throughout and aaa I really can't imagine it. Once again, thanks for almost 3k reads! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

And stay tuned for the last one + epilogue :)

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