07 || Gold

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Prerequisite: Music helps set the mood, so as much as possible, I guess you should listen to the songs I put before the chapter starts. I mean, that is if you want to.



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— Yellow stands for emotional instability and deceptions, as it will never take on serious responsibilities.




4:30 PM

There had been many passing weeks that Keigo had proved himself worthy of your love. Every week, he'd bring you different yellow flowers to change the wilting ones on your living room. Often, he would take you to a coffee shop to relax after a long day from your classes.

One time, you got sick and he stayed with you until you got better. But now, he was sick and he's trying his best to hide that from you. Too bad you were a really cheeky loved one and it wasn't really that hard to see through. You dialed his number and he quickly picked it up, sniffling in the process.

"H-hey? What's up, sunflower?" His voice was nasally and he coughed lightly, hoping that it wouldn't seep through the call.

"Classes just finished." You said, walking your way down his apartment.

"O-oh? I'll come pick you u—"

You cut him off directly by saying that you were on your way to his apartment. Keigo was surprised but then again, he was honestly too sick to move. He just didn't want you to get all worked up. Besides, finals for the first semester was right around the corner and he wouldn't want to keep you from studying because you were taking care of him.

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