SP || Amber

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11:20 AM

The sky's blue hue today reminded you of the day you and Keigo got married. Your eyes scanned the ring on your finger as you lightly fixed it. The airport was slightly busy today and people departing and arriving has become a normal sight for you. Although Keigo was still a pilot, he devoted most of his time to you, your marriage of 10 years, and your lovely 8-year-old twins; Fate and Destiny.

Honestly, it was more than you could have ever asked for.

After all this time, you still find yourself falling deeper for the male and he would always remind you of how much you matter to him. He would still take you out on dates, take long slow walks at the beach, watch over the kids on his off days from work, and he still proves to you how much he has wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. You remembered the first time, after labor, when Keigo finally laid eyes on his children. The tears of happiness in his eyes and the wide smile he gave you while he parted his lips to try to talk was enough to show how much he loves his family-your family.

"Mommy?" your attention was suddenly back to Fate, who had wrapped her arms around one of your arms. "Why are you crying?" the question made you touch your cheek, warm tears flowing, and you chuckled. "Mommy's fine. She's just remembering Daddy," you patted the smaller female's head and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry, Momma! We miss Dadda too!" Destiny grinned cheekily, a smile that reminded you so much of Keigo. "I know and I'm sure he misses you too..."

The kids love Keigo as much as you did and maybe even more. Despite their father's constant absences on small celebrations, he still managed to keep up with them whenever he's home. They seemed to like making both of you proud and would always pester both of you to be sweet with one another. You always kept reminding Keigo that their names truly resembled what brought you two together in the first place.

But as much you hate to admit it, seeing the kids sad about their father always far away, makes you sad too. They would always ask you about how you two met and how you two fell in love but you could not bring yourself to explain briefly what happened. "Fate, Destiny..." the two children looked up to you, their (eye color) hues swirling with curiosity and happiness. "...Mommy loves you two very much..." The twins looked at one another before laughing and squeezing you into a tight hug.

"We love you too, Mommy!"

12:10 PM

Dabi was standing in front of a door, hesitant to knock on it. His beating heart was jumping in and out of his chest and it was starting to hurt him as much as it was supposed to ease him. You had convinced him to go see the love of his life again and give it another chance. Maybe, it was a little too late but you always told him that he needed to get the closure he deserved.

"There's still time to fix everything," he remembered your words. "And even if they don't go the way you want them to, at least it is what you needed."

Dabi took a deep breath, finally getting the courage to knock on the door, his turquoise irises glued to the door as it opens to reveal the girl he had loved all those years ago until now. Oh, how long he had waited for this day. He gave a comforting sigh, holding in his own tears as the woman in front of him bit her lower lip, tears falling from her own eyes. "Is that really y-you, D-dabi?" the female went closer to touch his cheek, running her thumb along it; the warmth of her touch feeling foreign to the male as he chuckled, crying.

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