Chapter 2

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???: Hey...
I turn around and see
Y/N: Sam , Paige what are you guys here for.
Paige: What can we not come see our BFF before they go see their hot brother in L.A .
Y/N: First of all I'm glad you came to see me. We never got to say goodbye * I hug Paige * and secondly don't call him hot .
Sam: Don't I get a hug .
Y/N : of course you do.
* I hug Sam *
Sam: I gonna miss you so much.
Paige : So I will I
Y/N: I know I'm going to ...
* I get interrupted by a speaker*
Speaker: can the Passengers for the L.A. flight board the plane .
Sam: Have fun
Y/N: I'll try . Bye I love you guys.
Sam and Paige : love you too
* I give them both another hug before I board the plane *

On the plane

I get to my seat and I have the whole row to my self . I still have awhile before we land so I try get some sleep.

I wake up and I saw some random guy staring at me. I'd say he is in his mid-40's

Stranger: You're finally awake beautiful.

I back up in my seat when i see him move closer to me . I can't move I feel frozen to my seat. He doesn't stop coming closer to me .

Stranger: Stay still princess

I feel his breath right on my cheek . I close my eyes tightly Hoping this was just a dream. A really horrible dream . And hoping I'd just wake up. But it wasn't a dream it was real life.

As he was about to place his lips on me . I feel him get dragged away from me.

Stranger's wife: John !! How dare you try kiss a minor . And when you are already married to me . We are done.

She pulls him away from me and threw her wedding ring at him . Then she sits beside me. I don't really want anyone to sit beside me because they might start to try have a conversation with me and I'm not one bit a all social ever since what happened with Will .

Stranger's wife : hey I'm Lucy . I'm sorry for that whole incident .

I struggle to get a word out of my mouth because I was still in shook after what just happened .

I open my mouth to talk but she cuts me off

Lucy: You don't have to saying anything if you don't want to .
Y/N: I-I-It wasn't your fault .

She continues to talk to me for the rest of the flight . I don't really say much maybe 10 words . Jesus this woman can't stop talking.

In the LAX

When the plane lands I go to baggage claim. While I'm waiting I see Lucy ( the wife of the guy who watched me as I was sleeping ) and the guy who watched me sleep yelling at each other . Then he hit her . Suddenly 2 security guards pulling him away and sending him back to were he came from .

10 minutes later

I have my suitcase and on my way to were my brother said he would meet me . He text me saying that we would also have to pick up some other guys as well .

15 minutes later

I got text from my brother saying he is stuck in traffic and would be here for another 5 minutes.

While I'm sitting down on a bench waiting for my brother some guy sits down beside me . I look over at him and he is really cute . Wait I'm I staring.

Corbyn's POV

I'm in the airport waiting to get picked up . And I see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. So I decide to sit on the same bench she is on and wait.


???: Hey. How are you?

I wanted to say terrible but I'm not about to tell a stranger about my life and my problems.

Y/N: I'm good . How about you?
???: I'm jet lagged but besides from that I guess I'm good . *he smiles*

Wow his smile is cutest thing ever .

???: I'm Corbyn by the way.
Y/N: I'm Y/N

We talk for a couple more minutes and I feel like I can talk to him forever. It's just something about him that makes him different from all the other guys on this planet .

When we were talking I got a text from my brother saying that he was here.

Y/N: It was lovely meeting you Corbyn but my brother is here to pick me up.
Corbyn: it was nice meeting you too Y/N.

As I start to walk away Corbyn stops me .

Corbyn's POV

Corbyn:wait . I know we just met and all but I was wondering if I could have a hug before you go .

Corbyn you idiot of course she doesn't . She hardly knows you . And she far to good for me.

Y/N: sure *smiles and blushes*

Maybe I'm not as big as an idiot as I thought

Me and Y/N hug . And I could stay like this forever

*Y/N thoughts: I could stay like this for the rest of my life*

We were still hugging when we hear somebody yelling at us ...


So this is the end of chapter 2

I hoped you guys enjoyed it

Leave feedback here or instagram on ways to improve it if you think it needs improving

- I love all you guys bye ♥️ -

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