Crimes Agaisnt Robotic

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"Is that a human!? Are they okay? Is it dead?"

"Humans can survive underwater, but not for very long."

You groned listening to the voices around you. Your knee hurt like hell and you didn't want to wake up. You felt like everything that had just happen was a dream, a weird, dramatic dream. Rolling to your side you glanced at your surroundings. Regret filled you when you did, several eyes were on you, several. Glowing. Eyes.

"W...where am I?" That was the most were able to choke out.

"You are in the core storage room." The core with a round purple eye spoke.

You sat up quickly, ignoring the screams of your legs. Scanning the room you looked at the eyes of each awake sphere. It surprised you how many different types of cores here, sadly though, none of them were recognizable to you. You let gravity pull you back down on the floor.

"You seem to have a lack of motivation."

"No, you think?" You said sarcastically to the core.

He huffed "No, I know. The fact core is always right."

"You're the fact core huh?" A lightbulb shined in your head, "so you must really know this place"

"Yes, I do! The fact core knows everything."

"Hypothetically, if the ceiling where to take something from a tester, then where would that thing go?"

The orb stopped to think for a moment. He was possibly playing the scenario in his head-or he didn't know. Both were possible, you didn't really believe the 'I know everything' mindset the round computer had.

"Most items taken from test subjects get put onto the turret redemption line to then get destroyed."

"DESTROYED!?" You quickly got up despite your knees begging you not to. You place your hands against the orb and looked him in his singular eye. "You need to show me where this line is-and fast!"

He was obviously shaken up by this but he nodded. You removed your hands from him and he started leading you. A couple of the cores of the room said bye to you and others were still connecting what happened.

As the Fact core glided down his rail he spewed out "facts," some of which weren't even true. You just followed him, hoping it wasn't too late for your friend.

"Rats can not throw up," the core said abruptly. You ignore his weird fact. Suddenly something hit you, you wanted to know more about that story and who was bossing you around.

"You know who runs the tests here?" You asked the confidant core.

"Of course I do! She goes by GLaDOS."

You nodded, "Do you know what happened with the girl who escaped?"

He stopped for a second, "Yes."

"Could you tell me about it."


You groaned impatiently. You were wandering around in the dark with a robot who, you thought, didn't know what he was saying. You were tempted to yell at him, calling him a 'wise-ass,' but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

"I'm different..." A voice of a turret caught your attention. You realized you where here, you were at the redemption line. It was depressing to look at, broken turrets were sliding into their death on a conveyer belt. You saw a turret that looked completely fine. You thought it would shoot but it just stared at you. You hope onto the belt and wobble a bit on impact.

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