Forgotten Memories

483 16 15

You never knew if slides were your favorite playground equipment as a kid, in fact, you don't know anything about your childhood. The most you remembered was waking up-that long rest really did something to your brain. You figured it was a fair trade though, your memories for your life.

Speaking of slides, you were skimming down a tube, like it was butter on a round side-ways piece of bread. Bread that could fill up with deadly gasses. It was actually pretty fun! You let the tube lead you to your destination, you trusted the tube for some reason.

Spade on the other hand...didn't care for it, she kept her eye closed the whole time as she made meek squealing sounds. "I'm glad you're enjoying this friend-oh my! We are so high up and we're going so fast!"

You snickered at her, "scared of big slides little orb?"

"N-No! I just don't like em! Please don't let go!"

You grinned and did as asked. The three of you slid down to your destination. The room you landed in was round and mostly empty. GlaDOS hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room, a glass box existed next to her and some barely visible doors stayed around the room.

A breath released through your mouth, and it vibrated with your shaking body.

"Oh, you actually came through the neurotoxin transportation tube." She spoke with her monotoned robotic voice.

"U-Uh-hullo..." Spade squealed out.

"Oh, and you brought the metal ball. I didn't think more than one human enjoyed making these mistakes."

You gulped. Out of all the rooms you had to land in, why did you have to land in the one with the robot who'd supposedly kill you.

"Luckily for you, I'm feeling forgiving today-that and the next test requires a human for it."

You tried to speak but you felt paralyzed. GlaDOS had control over the entire facility. If you tried to make a move you could be shot up or drowned in neurotoxin.

"A special suit is also needed for this-one that we've been working on for a long time. Since you seem to love to explore, I'll let you get it yourself."

A pod rose from the ground and connected to the ceiling near you.

"You should easily find it. You seem to find getting yourself in trouble a breeze. Now go on, don't make me change my mind."

You nodded, not being able to breathe. Lifting your self up you drag your two companies with you over to the pod. You knew cooperating with the computer was the only way out. You weren't about to let her take Spade again though, you had a plan if she tried that again.

You stood in the cramped tube with Oracle and Spade. The floor beneath you stared to sink, taking you with it.

It was silent until GlaDOS wasn't in view of anyone anymore. "Lucky break..." Spade sighed, "I thought we were done for...That wasn't your brightest idea."

"Hey! At least we aren't dead." You argued.

"Yeah, " Spade sighed, "you're right...I was just worried about you..."

The lift soon came to a screeching stop. You were in a new area-more like an old area.

"Hello! If you're listening to this that means you're interested in the space testing program! Here in Aperture, we believe in the future! And that means space!" This was a completely different voice from the ones you heard before. This one was an enthusiastic masculine voice.

Stepping out of the elevator you took into your new surroundings.

"Odd..." Spade spoke up, "there aren't any rails...I don't want your arms getting tired..."

You thought for a moment before getting an idea. You put down Spade and took off your sleeves freeing your upper body from the jumpsuit, you knew you had an undershirt so this wasn't a problem. You stretched the sleeves and tied them to one of Spade's handle. You plopped her on your back like a metal backpack.

"Oh! Pretty smart! Look at me I'm a backfriend!" Spade laughed at her own joke.

Giggling at your goofy friend you started moving. This place had some tests as well, but these ones were different than the others you saw. There were switches, buttons, and weird lights.

"Many tests were taken to find out how much a human can withstand the vacuum of space-the answer-they can't. So here in Aperture Science, we've found a way to combat this. We found out-BURZT" The tape cut out and you were left to solve this test.

"I can help you if you'd like, I'm good at hints-not that you'd need help you seem pretty smart!"

You pulled a switch and the room started to shift to, causing you to tumble to your right and a loud "CRUNCH" was heard from the elevator. The tube was completely broken, it fell to its side and rest near where it once stood proudly. Your mouth hung open, the only way you knew of getting out of here just got crushed by this rotating room.

"It's not finished..." Oracle whimpered to itself as it laid on its side.

"W-what was that noise?! What happened?!" Spade questions, frighten. You simply turned around so Spade had a clear view of the predicament. "Oh...oh no...D-Don't panic though! We WILL find a way out! We can have another lucky break! She wouldn't have sent us down here if she knew we couldn't come back any other way? Hey?"

You nodded. GlaDOS only let you live because she needed you for testing. She wouldn't have sent you down to just get stuck. Would she?

You went and picked up your turret friend and earned a "thank you" from it. Smiling, you put it on its legs.

"Alright..." You murmured while thinking to yourself. You strolled over to one of the smaller buttons to summon a cube. Said cube appeared down with a loud thud, but the button for the door appeared to be on the ceiling.

You took a good look at the levers and they had arrows assumingly indicating of which way they turn the room. "You doing good over their, friend?" Spade queried quietly.

"Yep" you quickly answered back, "but you should brace yourself." You flipped the switch that had the arrow pointed up.

The room shifted and swiveled until what was once the ceiling became the floor. Oracle and the block tumbled while the compartment moved like a Rubik's cube. Of course, you were able to land right on your feet like a cat, thanks to the Long Fall Boots.

You strolled over to the cube and plopped it onto the button giving you a satisfying click. The old rounded door slid open and you prepared yourself for more tests.

Throughout the next tests, you learned more and more mechanics for these tests. Of course, there where the room turning switches, but there were gels. The blue gel helped you jump, the orange speed you up, and the white one made it able to put portals where you previously could not.

You learned more and more about the felicity as well as the tests. You learned that the founder of Aperture Labs was a guy named Cave Johnson. He was also the guy who was on the intercom earlier. You wished you had his enthusiasm though, you wanted to be pumped for testing but all you wanted to do was go back to the bed you first woke-up on.

You took your time on one of the tests, even going as far as to sit down and giving your legs a little rest. "Break time, ay?" Spade spoke out, "That's fair, give your legs a little rest, neither of us wants you to get overwhelmed."

You muttered an inaudible response and hung your head down like you were going to sleep.

"You wanna take a little rest, friend?" Spade lightly buried into your back to get comfortable, "I can agree to that... it's not healthy to not recharge every so often, don't ya know?"

Spade kept talking quietly. She spoke about dreams and rather or not cores can dream the same as humans, but it was all white noise to you. Your eyes shut themselves and that last thing you heard was Oracle flopping down next to you and uttering a little "night, night."

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