The Rise

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You felt like you were being watched the entire time you napped. You were used to it, due to all the monitored testing but this time it felt different. When GlaDOS watched you she'd try to get you to do the test as fast as possible or have some kind of snarky remark about you.

This was just a silent watching, it made you uncomfortable. Fluttering your eyes open, you glanced around to see who-or what is watching you.

A previously deactive camera was peering at you. You stared back at it confused. The room was quiet and filled with unease. Air seemed to be avoiding you at the moment. How did this thing just turn itself on?

You exhaled, "don't freak yourself out," you let your eyes wander a bit more, "there is a logical explanation."

"He's there..." Oracle announced causing you to look at it.

"What do you mean?"

Oracle used its guns to point at the camera. You hauled yourself to your feet and trudged to the camera. It watched your every move. You stared at it for a moment, all it can do is just watch you.

You came to the conclusion that it was harmless and started making faces at it. You saw your goofy self in the reflection.

"Friend...?" Spade yawned from behind you, "what's going on?"

You stopped playing around, "Nothing much," you started, "just uh-getting started on the test"


You sighed and begun the test. This one seemed like a fusion of all the previous ones. It took some time but you did manage to solve it, in fact, you felt kinda stupid for not getting it earlier. No matter, you thought, it's just some dumb test.

"Yay! Congrats! It would've taken me forever to get that, don't you know?"

You giggled, "Nah, you would've gotten it too"

The intercom started to speak "Air is something important to us humans that's why-" something cut it off.

"Ello? is this thing on? I'm going to keep talking assuming it is. I, being the brilliant core I am, was able to hack into an Aperture satellite."


"Oh, right-I guess you do need some explanation...While you lot were solving that last test I've been trying to find a way back to earth. You wouldn't believe-"

"I'M IN SPACE!" Another voice yelled over the brit in the intercom.

Space? You tried to think up who these voiced are. 'He's above,' you remembered what Oracle had said. If these two voices really are in space, they must be the people Oracle had warned you about.

"Space? I dunno about this guy, " Spade whispered over to you.

"Calm down orb." You eyed the camera "So I assume you're the one who turned these on?"

"Yes!" The voice said proudly, "It wasn't too much work for a master hacker like me."

"And you're in space?"


You hummed in thought. Your instincts told you to listen to Spade, at the same time this person went through all the trouble to hack a satellite. Maybe he needed help, or maybe he was just lonely. You were entranced by your thoughts, so much so that you ignored the babbling of the guy on the intercom.

"How will we be able to get you? If there even was a rocket we wouldn't be able to use it unless-Friend? Do you know how to use a spacecraft? I mean that'd be cool!-we don't want to steal one though."

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