The Star Tester

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These tests weren't far from similar to the tests back in the facility. The shifting mechanism from before was there but gravity just changed from wall to wall. The classic button and cube workout stayed.

You had to put together all the technics you learned through your entire time awake. Truthfully though, you were getting quite good at it. But being good at it didn't exactly mean you enjoyed it.

"Look, look! There's a star!-and another star!"

You smiled at your babbling space crazed friend. If it weren't for all your mechanical companion you didn't know where you'd be.

" you think we'll go back to Earth?" Spade spoke up.

"I hope so..." Wheatley started, "I have some apologizing to do..."

You closed your eyes. Were you going to get back to Earth? These tests are going to run dry at any time right? You stood there in thought. Maybe it was all the science around you, but you thought of one of Newton's Laws. If an object is in motion, it stayed in motion until something stopped it.

Nothing much in space could stop an object from getting to Earth right? You had an idea. You knew much could go wrong but you didn't care. It was worth a try. Switching off the gravitational field, you allow the area to have its natural flow.

"What are you doing?" Both Wheatley and Spade asked.

"Well, I was thinking..." You spoke, tugging at one of the portal platforms, "If I can get a platform-with a portal on it-" you successfully popped the platform off of where it was. "And have it land on Earth so we can just pop through..."

"Brilliant!" Wheatley cheered.

"There are some holes in your plan though-like cheese...what does cheese taste like?" Spade questioned.

"Yeah, I know there are holes in my plan." You started, "but it's either that, wait or keep doing tests until GlaDOS is bored with us."

"I say we should try it!" Wheatley protested, obviously desperate to get to Earth.

You nodded, popped a portal on the small wall, then pushing it towards the large blue marble called Earth.  It flipped and glided towards the destination you gave it.

It was time to wait. You didn't know where'd you end up but anywhere was better than being stranded in space. The few minutes you waited felt like years.

Soon you decided it was time to test your theory. You turned on the gravitational field and placed a portal on the ground near you. You were happy with what you saw. It was a forest-like area surrounded the portal. It was a magnificent sight, freedom was right there and you were excited about it.

You convinced Oracle to go through the portal and followed with your orb friends. The portal closed behind you right after. The forest attire disappeared and you were in an empty Aperture empty room.

"I thought giving you some new scenery would make you more content with your tests," your female mono-toned boss spoke. "Now I see I was wrong. I didn't expect you to be alive-or at least stupid enough to try to escape."

A lump of air lodged itself in your throat.

"Despite your efforts, your existence will have to stop here. It's almost sad," something smelt off, and the room slowly started to fill with green gas with a low hiss sound. "Almost."

You covered your face, realizing what this gas was. Neurotoxin. She was done with you. All your efforts down the drain. You couldn't tell if it was the deadly gas or your fear but you couldn't think straight.

"Friend. Friend! Look!" Spade had caught your attention. You tried to see exactly what she was propelling you to look at. One of the wall panels was stuck open by none other than the companion cube. You had a sense of gratitude to it. At the same moment, you were running out of time.

Reaching out you grabbed Oracle and dragged it passed the open space. After dragging your robotic friends out of the room you removed the cube from it's crushing position. You felt extremely lucky, but at the same time, you couldn't catch a break. You have survived many near-death instances only to be thrown into more. You wanted out of this place. To you, it was cursed. You quietly stared at the cube until-

"Space!" The energetic core squealed.

"But we just got back?" You responded to the orb.

"Don't mind him, " Wheatley spoke up, "He, uh, isn't exactly...he's a bit mental."

You looked at the space core than at Wheatley. "I like his energy though," you smiled a bit. "But-we need to focus on getting out of here."

"Of course!" Wheatley spoke up.

Spade started plotting, "Well, we could do a force core transfer and sum-"

"No! No, no, no, no! Not a good idea!" Wheatley argued.

"What? Why?" You and everyone else looked over at him.

He fumbled with his words, "just trust me..." 

"Well, I know GlaDOS isn't too happy with us-so she won't just willingly let us out." You spoke, "and I doubt there are many ways out she won't be able to guard..." You looked at Wheatley, "sorry bud, we might have to go through with it."


"We might all die if we don't. We have no other choice-we've got to at least try"

Wheatley quietly mumbled to himself. You sighed softly, "don't worry, I promise things won't go amiss." You tried to give him a reassuring smile, "I trusted you so you must trust me too"

He looked at you for a moment, before begrudgingly nodding. "...Let's get going then"

All of you were off. You had a plan, and you were going to set it in motion.

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