New Man, New Plan

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As soon as you entered your test, you felt a sense of dread. Memories rushed through you. You absolutely did not want to do this.

But you had no choice.

It soon became apparent that two people were needed for some of these tests-oddly enough though, most of them were solved. You just had to get to the door.

"Are you really going to trust that moron?" GlaDOS's voice scared you, did she hear the plan? Is it doomed to fail now?

"So some of his plans have holes? It doesn't exactly mean he's trying to kill me on purpose." You answered confidently.

"Did you know he immediately turned on that monster. Oh, I mean the girl who 'escaped.'"

"He said he was sorry?"

"He put me in a potato, he tried to kill his 'partner, ' not to mention he nearly completely destroyed this facility."

You blinked, a little orb did all that?

"Do you really believe that going along with someone of his...genuineness would help you? You could be contributing to science instead of doing whatever it is you think you're doing."

You thought for a moment. Only for a moment. Where you going to turn on Wheatley-or was he going to turn on you? No, he wouldn't! He had plenty of chances to kill you and he didn't. You clenched your fists. You were sick of this place.

You released a breath. You needed to stay level headed to get out. Getting mad didn't fit in your schedule.

"You should be reasonable," GlaDOS spoke up again.

You stayed quiet. You didn't know if it was anger or you just didn't have anything to say.

The female robot eventually stopped trying to deter you from going to the old cassis. You knew she had a plan now, one that will definitely kill you. But you were prepared. She must have the neurotoxin ready and maybe some turrets too. You had strategy on your side. At thought so.

"We should be close now, friend," Spade piped up, "just on the other side of this test! We can pet some animals-well you can...could you pet some animals for me? Especially if you have to sacrifice me or something-like when Indiana Jones-"

You giggled and cut her off, "Don't worry little orb, I'll pet some animals for you"

She happily squealed at this. You observed this tests, it was also previously solved. Whoever solved this seemed to be pretty smart, you had to admit. You had to use some momentum and some planned portal placement to get to the door. Luckily for you, you didn't need a partner for this.

You huffed in pride. This was the final test-probably ever! You had to acknowledge that testing while carrying two orbs around wasn't the best thing you did. You nearly forgot the Space Core in the last test because you had to put him down so much.

One foot after another you took your steps to the control panel. The catwalk was a huge mess, you had to do a lot of flinging and portaling around to get to the other side.

There you stood, in front of two large white doors with large Aperture logos on each one.

"Ello!" Wheatley spoke up, "I knew you'd make it!"

You jumped at his voice, but immediately steady yourself when you realized who it was. "Yep, " you countered, "ready?"

Wheatley replied with a nod. You proceeded to open the huge door. There it stood. The prototype cassis. It seemed rundown, and it bittered your hopes of it working.

Wheatley rolled over to the computer. "I'll have this hacked in a couple of minutes!"

You paced over to him as he inspects the computer. 

You watched him 'hack, ' but his speech and lack of hacking suggested that he had no clue what he was doing. "Hm, I might need five more minutes, mate-sorry for the hold-up! Older technology and all that, here in front of me."

You raised a brow at this core. You took a close look at the computer, it was already unlocked! A bird could control this place if it wanted it. You took a look at Wheatley again.

"What?" He asked, "hacking takes time!"

"I can hack too, " you insisted, "watch." You used the unlocked controls to summon a lift.

"Oi! I had it!" Wheatley spoke defensively, "I'm not a moron you know."

You rolled your eyes at the sphere and held out your hands, "I know, now common down."

He reluctantly popped off of the rail. To his surprise, you caught him. "Y-You caught me? You caught me!"


"Uh...I was expecting to just fall on your head or something"

"Did that happen before?"

"..Yes-I even gave her a warning and everything-I assumed it was the brain damage."

You giggled a bit and headed to the lift. You prepared yourself for what's to come. Probably turrets, dangerous gasses and perhaps something else. But! You were close to being able to breathe fresh air and live a life that didn't involve near death at each turn.

You slowly rose up, but it hit you, why didn't you just use this lift to escape? Why did you have to go to GlaDOS? Your mouth ran dry but your face did the opposite. You felt like an idiot for not doing that. You tried to reason with yourself though, she could just control the lifts anyway. You thought.

That one thought started a string of others like, Is she going to control this lift? Or, is she going to force me to test by taking me there.

You were lost in your own mind. Time passed like you were on a rollercoaster.

"I'm quite surprised you didn't just try to use to the elevator to just get out of here, " her voice spoke, "Maybe you aren't as intelligent as I thought-and it wasn't a very high bar to begin with."

You snapped out of your reflections, and you saw her in all her glory again. She seemed twice as fierce as the first time. 

"I guess you're expecting a fight?" GlaDOS interrogated, "I know how you humans love violence."

As you expected the neurotoxin started to fill the room, and turrets were placed around you. A new thing appeared too, a little ball that shot missiles instead of just bullets.

"I'd wish you luck, but it seems that you've had plenty of it."

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