The Final Test

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Your mind started to rush. You threw your friends at the turrets knocking them down. You heard Wheatley grunt in disapproval but you were too busy dodging around.

The turrets shot the air in panic, and the round launcher slowly aimed at you, readying itself for its kill. Air was getting harder and harder to obtain. You had to stop to breathe-even if some of it was dangerous neurotoxin.

"I was so proud of you. You were able to go to space, you tested...decently. You almost had a positive file." GlaDOS semi praised.

You dodged missiles while planning out how to win this fight.

"The stalemate button should be right over there!" Wheatley called out to you.

"Where?" You asked looking around. A room stood out and it seemed to have had a button. Had one. It appeared to have been blown up at one point and is now unusable. "There is no button!" You yelled in a panic.

"There isn't-oh...oh no"

"You blew it up, you moron." GlaDOS announced, "but-It benefits me. No one will ever force me out of my body. Nor put me in a potato."

You scanned the place, and notice a lack of portalable areas. You kept having to evade the rockets that were heading your way. One hit a tube and white fluid oozed from it. It was the portal gel!

"Friend!" Spade spoke up, "Put me where the button was, then keep GlaDOS distracted. I have an idea!"

You nodded and tossed Spade to her designated area.

"Look at you, throwing Aperture Science equipment. Aren't you worried you might break something?" GlaDOS asked you, unamused.

Spade rolled and connected herself to the wall while you kept your end of the plan. You used the gel to paint the room and clog the sprinklers. GlaDOS would diss you and complain about you to you.

"I'm still on the floor-" Wheatley whined, "Aren't you going to pick me up?-I know your busy-just uh try not to step on me. Yes, that'd be ideal. Don't step on little old Wheatley."

Focus was mostly on the big boss lady for you. You soon got enough gel on the walls for your distraction plan.

You dropped a portal behind you, then in front of GlaDOS. You let the rocket launcher robot do its thing. At the last moment, you moved out of the way and the missile. A satisfying explosion was heard from GlaDOS cassis.

"Ow. Why did you do that? Are you trying to hurt me? You already hurt me enough. Emotionally."

"Way to go, Partner!" Wheatley cheered at you.

You puffed out proudly. Sadly, your pride was bittered when panels came down to GlaDOS's aid. "I guess I was right, " she proclaimed, "all humans love nonsensical violence.  I honestly thought you'd be different. I'm being sincere. You couldn't even hurt a mindless turret."

She eyed Wheatley, "maybe the moron had something to do with it."

The blue core was visibly shaken up by this. You aided the defenseless orb by having another bomb carefully aimed at an unarmed part of GlaDOS.

She did not seem pleased at this what so ever. But you got her attention. Air was leaving quickly. Time was running out. You nearly forgot about the deadly gas. You were weary with the time Spade was taking with whatever she was doing.

You didn't call out to her, in fear that GlaDOS would wonder what she was doing.

"Core corruption at (static noises) percent." A voice spoke from the intercome.

"What? What did you do?" GlaDOS spoke in a panic, before looking over at Spade. "Do you really think hacking into the stalemate programming will help you? What are you morons going to do after you're free? Roll around?"

"Alternate cores detected, please place replacement core in the receptacle." The announcer instructed.

"Hurry Friend! Put the little space buddy in there!" Spade squealed.

"Don't you dare!" Threatened GlaDOS, "think about it, will that corrupted orb really set you free? If the moron can't do it, he definitely can't do it!"

"Don't worry about that! Once he's in we can manually use the elevator without interruption! Good idea ey?"

"No! NOT a 'good idea.' That space freak will destroy this whole facility! Do you want that? Ruin all this science!?"

You watched the cores banter. Before picking up your old pal, Space core. "Want to know my favorite thing about space? It's space." He pronounced at you. 

"You're going to save us" you insisted.

"Because I'm the best?"


You plugged him into the receptacle and watched.

More static played in the intercome before the announcer spoke again, "Stalemate resolved-"

"No!" GlaDOS screamed, "No! No! No! No!"

GlaDOS and the space crazed core were dragged into the ground. You overheard the two cores screamed in pain.

The Space core was in control of the cassis now and bobbed up cheerfully from the ground. He spun around, babbling about space. He instantly crashed into things around him.

"We have to hurry outta here!" Spade squeaked, "before the astronaut kills us."

You nodded before running to grab Spade. You had to evade falling ceiling panels and testing objects. The place was falling apart, and time wasn't on your side. You snatched Spade by her handle and drag her to where Wheatley was.

You glanced around for an elevator. The one you took to get here was still there. You quickly took the cores to it.

"Alright...You said we could take the lift out of here?" You asked as the area around you shook and shivered.

"Yes," both Spade and Wheatley spoke.

You eyed the core before being thrown to the elevator wall. The shaking of the facility was getting stronger and stronger.

"Well hurry!" You spoke in fear.

"I'm having troubles connecting-The Space core might have already cut the internet somehow!" Spade explained.

The ground shifted and trembled, as you held onto the railing of the elevator.

"I have to do it remotely! Could you force the door open? Sorry for the inconvenience..."

"What? Are you mental? The bloody place is falling apart out there!" Wheatley trembled.

"Do it (y/n)! It's our only chance!"

You get up, put the cores down and forced the door open. Sparks flew and the door cried in resistance.

"There should be a port close by-do you see it?"

You nodded and picked up Spade.

"Thank you for all your help, friend-take some pictures for me"

You nodded again slowly before placing her on the port.

"Please keep your hands and feet in the elevator-oh and don't let Wheatley roll out."

Picking up Wheatley, you stayed in the lift as it slowly ascended. Spade gradually got smaller and smaller until she was out of sight.

You gazed at the wall. Wheatley was telling some story about seeing Earth from above but never knowing what it had. You only half-listened though. Guilt was eating at you, that is until the sun struck your skin. The sensation of relief filled you.

You were free.

Nothing can force you to risk your life. Your first step outside gave you power. You didn't know where you were going but you went forward like the sun was calling you.

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