Temporary Planning

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You wondered around, hopeful of your plan.

"You morons really think that'll work?" You heard GlaDOS's voice pronounced, "I have control over the entire facility-I can see just what your doing"

You fearfully exhaled, you needed to plan this carefully.

"After I was being so nice to you. You repay me by trying to overthrow me? You should be glad I allowed you to test here."

Allowed? More like forced! If you didn't know better you'd turn right around and fix her claim. But fear and exhaustion filled you. You hadn't slept since the beginning of this adventure. All this stress, all the physical activity, it really put a damper in your energy.

A short nap wasn't an option though. You had to dodge whatever she would throw at you. She wasn't lying when she said she had this whole facility under her fingertips, you'd either have to go through her tricks or run from literal bullets.

"We could've had so much fun. Testing together, and maybe you could've gotten cake."

You were starving, but you weren't going to fall for her tricks. You kept rushing through the facility until you got to an unstable bridge. The weight of you and your team caused it to creak and whine. Before you knew it you were falling through the air. Sounds of your friends screaming filled the space around you.

With your mind racing, you reached out and yanked Wheatley's handle. Within seconds after that, you crashed onto the ground. Everything around you was dark and you heard a thud and a crunch. "I couldn't save you..." Oracle whined.

All the noise around you startled you. "Quick! Flashlight! Please!" You blurted out, earning two bright lights to turn on.

"What's going on, friend? Are you okay?" Spade asked worriedly.

You didn't concede, instead, you used her to look around. Oracle was deactivated, on its side...its side which was absolutely crushed and forced near the center of its body. You felt a pit in your stomach. You hunger was desecrated and replaced with sickly pain.

You looked around, luckily for the cores, they were all fine. Space was still rolling around babbling about the outer reach, Wheatley was taking his own chance to look around and Spade was being your flashlight.

You exhaled through your nose. You wanted to keep going but you just sat by your little turret friend. You didn't know why you were so connected to this robot, but you were. "Thank you...for trying," you mustered out.

"Oh...Oh, friend...I'm sorry" Spade started.

"If it helps" Wheatley spoke up, "they don't really feel pain."

You sighed and softly pats Oracle.

"Friend..." Spade spoke.

"Hm?" Yoy answered.

"Go down this hallway...maybe there can be something to cheer you up?"

"Before you do that-uh not to ruin the mood-I know you're upset and that bad-yes very bad-but I think I see a rail-so uh...could you hook me up? Please?" Wheatley asked you.

You nodded, knowing you couldn't hold all three cores at once. Glancing around, you searched for a place to put your British friend. Luckily for you, there was, so you placed him on the rail. He happily wiggled his handles at this, "thanks, mate!"

You nodded in response.

"Some call me space trash," the space crazed core spoke up "space-but I call me treasure!"

You smiled at the orb and went back to pick him up. "Oh, oh! Hey you! Guess what!"


"I love space!"

You giggled but you were able to hear Wheatley groan.

"Ay, friend!" Spade spoke out to you, "I've got an idea!-if we can get to the old chassis we force our way back up to GlaDOS!-than do the core transfer...is the old chassis even working though...I don't know..maybe if we"

"Who will do the transfer?" Wheatley doubted, "I don't think I want to do it...again."

"Again?" Both you and Spade asked.

"Uh" Wheatley, started, "well..."

You forward your brow, "what exactly happened?"

"You aren't the first human I've helped...maybe like the 7th-8th?"

"Wait," Spade halted Wheatley, "That woman-for the paintings-wish I knew who made those artworks-Uh the one that escaped-you're the one who helped her?"

"At first..." He staggered with his words, "but after my-our plan to take over the facility...I acted monstrous...and bossy..."

You were able to tell the shame he had by his voice. He was also very expressive for an orb. Something clicked in your head, parts of the story started to fit together. Wheatley took control of the lab after saving this mystery woman-than got banished into space somehow. He wanted to get back to Earth because he needed to apologize to an old pal.

"Don't worry Wheats, you'll be able to say sorry to her soon, " you spoke reassuringly.

"I uh...Thank you"

"Space is my friend!" The Astro crazy core squealed.

"Yes, it-wait!" Spade interrupted, "friend, we need to get a move on!"

You blinked, "oh right of course! Since you're up there Wheatley-could you show us where this chassis is?"

"Oh! Yes of course!" He agreed and began leading you through the hall.

A sense of deja vu hit you. This was the second time you've put your trust in this core. You didn't know why but this time it was different, you didn't know if you trusted him more or less.

You half-listen to his stories, even though you found them interesting you couldn't bring yourself to listen to his voice.

You stopped to see a messed up hallway in the distances. "It should be right over there-erm" Wheatley glanced that you, "I don't know how you'd get over there though..." He started to hum in thought.

Spade peeked around, "Maybe we can go around...I think I see a test chamber...so if we go through that we can easily reach that area without the 15-foot jump."

You agreed and turned around, "go on ahead Wheatley, I'll meet you over there!" You spoke, which he nodded in acknowledgment.

It was time for more tests. You weren't excited about the activities, but it was the thought of freedom that got you going. With all the semi training you had, you were prepared for your next tests. At least, you thought you were.

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