Shift of Tides

656 18 22

You leaned against one of the walls of the elevator as it slowly rose to its destination.



"So you know your soul function right?"

"...I guess?"

"Do all cores know what they are built for?"

Spade thought for a moment. For the first time, she was completely quiet. "I-I don't know to be honest"

You nodded and glanced at the door.

"So..." you started "about the woman who escaped?"


"Was she alone?"

"No, it was said another core was with her"

"So like us?"

"Or we're like them-that means we'll escape! Be free to see the ocean and play cards-" the elevator came to a screeching stop, making you lose your balance.

A mysterious, female voice hit you through the intercom, "Well, I didn't expect you to be back so soon-wait-you's not who I expected, in fact, I don't recognize your face. Trust me, with a face like yours I don't think I'd forget someone of your...Uniqueness"

You frowned but noticed some vibration from your hand. You look down to see Spade shaking, like how a human shivered when cold or scared. This was the first time you saw her like this.

"Of course I could take you outside and let you roam free to your heart's content," the voice exclaimed, "But, you've been here for this long." The door slowly slides open to reveal a test camber "and you took a portal gun without permission..."

You let out an unsteady breath.

"Don't worry. It won't take long. Prove you can solve a couple of tests and you'll be on your way. For future reference, you cant bring unauthorized items to other test chambers."

You looked at Spade "What happens if I do?"

"It'll be disintegrating immediately."

Spade whined at the thought of being destroyed in such a violent way. You slowly stepped out of the lift and sigh.

One of the ceiling panels shifted over and a large metal arm slowly reached down and took Spade right from your hand.

"Ah!" Spade squeal "don't let go! Please! Friend!-" the arm squished her as if she was some kind of chew toy. It seemed that the pressure was too much for her because she passed out.

"Spade!" You called worriedly as you watch your friend be dragged up into the unknown. You tried to jump for her but failed.

"To ensure the safe performance of all authorized activities, do not destroy vital testing apparatus. We don't want repeated mistakes."

You eyed the camera, tempted to break it. You wanted to break something of hers for payback. You aimed your portal gun directly at the camera and bam! It falls to the ground with a small thud.

"Thank you for doing exactly the opposite of what I asked."

You smirked a bit at yourself. The test still needed to be solved, as far as you knew that was the only way to get your round friend back. You took in your surroundings. Another red button brought your attention, and it was right next to the exit. You needed the cube for it. You didn't see a smaller button or a tube for that matter, but you did find the cube. It sat on a ledge high up from the ground. You calculated how to get it down and onto the button. You couldn't just pop a portal by it since the panels nearby weren't the correct paneling for the portal.

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