The Rise 2

461 15 13

You followed the directions of Wheatley. To your knowledge, he knew what he was doing. You felt kinda bad though, you didn't even try your friend's idea, but you wanted out as soon as possible.

"Alright turn right-wait no left! Differently left"

You nodded and sauntered to his direction. You listen to the clanking of Oracle's legs and the thumping of your feet hitting the ground. You didn't know what will happen when you go up to GlaDOS empty-handed.

"So..." You started, trying to force your mind to change topics, "So, I never got the full story..."

"Story of what?" Wheatley asked.

"Of the test subject that escaped."

"Oh..." He went quiet "well...I was there"


"Yeah," it sounded like he was trying to figure out what words he should choose to say, "She was a brilliant woman, like a fox her-a brain-damaged fox.-"

"She had brain damage?"

"It's not uncommon for someone to get brain damage when in suspension for as long as she was."


"She also couldn't talk-so its nice to know one survivor talks."

"But how did she escape?"

"I...uh I don't know...I didn't even know she got out..."

"He was cast out before she was released..." Oracle uttered.

You glanced over at Oracle.

"To your left," Wheatley instructed. You listened and to your surprise, you saw another lift.

"Wow, I didn't think it'd be this easy to find the elevator. Thank you, Wheatley!"

He was silent for a second, " one has ever thanked me before"

"Really? That's kinda sad..."

"It is, isn't it?"

You nodded, "Don't worry, I'll return the favor soon enough..." You stopped for a moment, "Orb?"

Nothing. You assumed she could be sleeping or something but going through this maze with Wheatley did take a while. You just notice how quiet she's been, not even a peep, which was odd for her. You tugged on the straps that kept her on your back. She was differently still there.

"Spade? You okay?"

"..." A slight sigh was heard from her, "Yeah..."

"You've been quiet.."

"I'm fine, (y/n)."

That was the first time she called you by your name in a while. Something was definitely up. "No, you aren't. Common tell me what's wrong"

"Frustrated that's all. I care about you, you're my first friend in this facility and you're being so reckless-what if Wheatley were to bring you to your death-"

"Whoa, there, mate! Don't be going around making accusations like that!" Wheatley said defensively.

"I not saying you did! Anyways where was I-right! You jumped into a tube excepting it to not kill ya! I know you got to take risks but...but" Spade shuffled uncomfortably, "I don't want to lose the one friend I have...oh uh-and you Oracle! You're cool too! Still my friend...I just knew (y/n) longer..."

Oracle seemed to understand and didn't speak up to ruin the tender moment.

You took a deep breath and unstrap Spade so you could look at her in the eye. "I'm sorry..."

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