Well..We're done

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Deku's POV

Myself, Toga and Dabi were out on our daily errand. Get info from some brokers, take out dipshits and such. Until...Toga came running to us..Covered in blood with sirens following.

"Stand Down Villians." A grumbly tired voice said

I grabbed the knife out of the holster at my waistband. Then a squeaky, childish voice was heard "YOUR NO FUN! C'mon Deku~~ Let's play a game of tag with this guy!"

"There is no u-"


Shit, Shit...Shit...I thought of one thing in this moment. I grabbed Dabi's hand and made a run for it. Toga can go to jail..hallelujah



I turned my head to see Dani's body unconscious on the ground. "Well...we're done for."


I turned to face that...that...faker.

"I'd rather die then be arrested by a You!"


I woke up in a room with grey walls and what I assume to be a one-sided mirror/window whatever they are.

Aizawa's POV (Is that how you spell it?)

We already had that creepy girl in quirk-disabling cuffs and taken her knives. We saw that patchwork dude 'Dabi' laying on the floor next to a short, black-haired kid.
And when he faced us, I saw the hatred for All Might in his eyes.

After taking pretty heavy shots with his quirk removed, courtesy of me, he passed out on the floor. Exhaustion had taken over him.

Deku's POV

I looked around and noticed drool coming out of the side of Toga's mouth. She was heavily strapped into a chair, and..I finally noticed my restraints. My ankles were strapped to the chair along with my arms. They weren't tight. I then noticed..
That lucky bastard Dabi was staring at me with only his quirk disabling cuffs, we all had them on but he wasn't restrained to a chair.

A few moments later

Some old hobo entered the room, he sat across from us at the table. Then... some default NPC dude entered...with...

"A RAT?!?" Patchwork said, quite loudly

"Sorry but I will not answer your questions, but we need to get on with this interrogation"

"Of course Nezu sir, we have no time for silly questions" I replied

I noticed the hobo's eyes twitch, his name was...Aizawa Shota, The Erasure Hero, EraserHead.

"Ok, lets get this started shall we? This shall only be brief" That NPC dude said.

"Toga, Himiko"


Oh she woke up.

"Toga, Himiko. Age: unknown, estimated 15. Quirk: Transformation"

"I'd like to confirm, I am 15!" She replied happily

"Alias: Dabi, real name is currently unknown. Age: unknown, estimated 17-18 Quirk: Cremation"

"Yeah, gREat" he replied in a sarcastic tone

"Aliases: Genocide, real name believed to do something with 'deku.' Age: unknown, estimated 14. Quirk: Unidentifiable currently"

"That's me~"

Aizawa's POV

"That's me~" the kid's voice rang out. Genocide, he's a deadly villian but him? I don't know.

"Dectective is everything they said true?"
I quickly said to confirm

"I believe so.."

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