Paper Planes

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(I had to, I just had to)
Deku's POV

I ducked under the table as a paper plane came to hit me.

"Oi DABI! You finished those planes yet?"


"Toga keep throwing them!"

"Yes sir!~"


After that, some blonde kid screeched "PAPER PLANE FIGHT" then some red-headed dude stood on a desk and said "WHOEVER WINS IS THE MANLIEST"

And chaos ensued...

Back to current time

I watched as the little psycho skipped around the room throwing paper planes at the other teams. Apparently there was some "bakusquad" and a few others that I wasn't bothered with. The "bakusquad" was the most threatening at this current point in time. Some blue haired kid was trying to tell us off but we all hit him with our planes, he is knocked out on the floor now. The kid ended up whacking into a desk while falling and eventually became unconscious, and the deed was done.

Until some white rope care out of no one and stuck all of our planes to the wall. It's that kid again. I groaned in annoyance.

"Don't tell me they did it again"

"That kid, what the hell was his name... seri or something.."


"Yeah that"

Until some weird blonde dude came in. I recognised him, Present mic. Hmm, from what I heard Erasurehead and Present Mic we're dating, weird... Oh, maybe it's a secret.



As said we let out our barrage of planes...What happened to that teacher?


Dabi's POV

I heard Deku utter words under his breath, I don't know why he hates All might so much. Though, I really wanna know.  I see him as my younger brother, although my biological brother might actually be in the room, I worry for Deku. I hated the guilt I've felt since I left my household, and eventually it went away, but now seeing him..Shouto...It brought it back.

And until I realised something wet and cold fell down my cheek. I looked down was all gone, the scars, I could finally be me again! Until, the scars took their place again, and the cold and wet feeling of a tear was gone..who was I kidding? I can't cry...

"Hey Dabi?"

"What do you want you guys?"

"God your ok,"
I felt the warmth being embraced into a hug by Deku, and In my sight it formed into a sobbing Toga.

"I'm ok guys, calm down"

Then I felt the presence of onlookers... probably the class.

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