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Bakugo always looked for his lost childhood friend. The green haired broccoli that was the center of his nightmares and Insomnia. Everywhere he went he saw the fluff of green hair or the laughs and 'Kacchan' whispered around him.

Then he came, Kaminari. Kaminari Denki was close to the height of Izuku Midoriya, Denki Kaminari followed him around like Izuku Midoriya. Everything he saw in Denki was compared to Izuku, There was only one-sided love in the BakuKami relationship only Denki loved Bakugo but Bakugo loved Izuku Midoriya.


Author Here,

I didn't realise that I didn't update in like 20 for awhile because I had so many exams. I'm so sorry for that. I will post more once I get my computer working.

Author Out!~

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