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Toga's POV

"I had the strangest morning you know?" I said as I walked beside Jirou.

"What was strange about it?" 

"Well...I was making myself breakfast a-"

"and you had one hot chocolate again?"

"DOn'T INTeRruPT mY sToRYtiME"


"I was making myself a hot chocolate.."

"knew it."


Jirou then nodded to indicate to go on.

"Well...I heard some weird sounds and I followed it to the boys bathroom..."

"you didn't go in did you?"

"No..but moments later I saw bakugo come out followed by... The Pikachu guy?" 


I slowly nodded my head, it wasn't a lie either. I remember seeing Kaminari's tear-stained face as he limped out of the bathrooms with a small bruise on his face. Bakugo was walking with a smirk on his face in front of him without a care in the world. I thought nothing of it until Kaminari didn't come to class while Bakugo looked out of the window as if he didn't do anything. I know he did something...

Izuku's POV

Something with the way Bakugo was acting this morning. I could not tell what it was, but it reminded me of something. He was acting normally but something felt different about him whenever I was close enough to him. I doubted it at first...but something clicked when Kaminari did not come to class. 

No One's POV

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Everyone then turned to see that Bakugo was being strangled by a very pissed off Genocide. Mr Aizawa currently wasn't in the class. 

"PUT HIM DOW-" The hand gesture guy said

"W- hat...th-e Hel-l...aR-E yOu TalK-ING...about?!"


"Why would he? He and Kaminari are dating..." The voice of tape-boy was added to this feud


Your Author Here, 

I plan to make Bakugo a rude hooman so...yeah I do have a plan though so I will be posting more now If I can. I do have some tests to do since they want to make sure I actually did 'working from home' so yeah. I have also found out that Denki is like 2 cm shorter than DEku.


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