Issues that need a Tissue

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Present Mic's POV

Because I thought these kids were Villians, I thought they didn't have hearts. I was wrong, their not Villians.

Their Insecurities, Fears, and trauma had taken over... Their just children... no different from the ones we protect from the criminals.

No One's POV

They all watched as Dabi (tried to) cry they thought his heart was of stone, but it was already broken glass teetering on the edge  along with his sanity. He wasn't actually crying, the scars or burnt skin wouldn't allow the tears to fall. All of them were built up inside, a tower ready to crumble. Yet, seeing and thinking about who he was...the tower fell and broke. The watergate would've opened, if it weren't for the scars.

"Please, stay away from me.." he weakly said as the words he was trying to say were thrown aside.

"Shh, It's ok..." the two comforting voices that embraced him. Although he might be a young adult, he still had the mind of a teenager, from the proper childhood he never had.

Then the green mop head said "May the three of us be excused from classes for the day?"

"O-Of course!" Hero's never stuttered, but at the moment he was so overwhelmed, they thought Dabi was a cold,(or technically burning hot) heartless murderer of innocent citizens... but they were wrong.

The next day! {╹◡╹}

Toga's POV

When Dabi started crying yesterday, it hurt, the pain in my chest was to show for that, the constant worry. Yet, when he walked out of his dorm room (yes, I made them have dorms...children.) I saw the natural red strands of his hair at the roots, they were getting highly visible.  Since I'd prefer not to say it out loud, I pointed at him, then at my scalp...he got the idea and got a hat from his room.

Dabi's POV

As I walked out of my room...Toga signalled to me about the situation with my hair. I 'briskly' walked into my room grabbed the closest hat and walked out. I'd have to get more hair dye...but how?

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