Im just winging it folks

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??? POV

But damn, he is cute.

The green mop on his head, the way his freckles align...the defined muscle bones....WAIT NO! I can't think like that. (Stay away gay thoughts. c:)

Until I noticed the hard gaze on the ash blonde that has his face on the floor (literally).  Well..he does deserve this, he is an asshat.

Then The two red orbs met the heterochromatic ones. Yet, the red pair weren't filled with rage as usual. They were filled with sorrow, regret, and guilt...feelings '???' Knew too well.

No One's POV

"Icy hot..." - Blasty

"What was that?" - Green Mop

"Unhand Bakugo, peacefully." - The kid with daddy issues

The little ball of green floofy hair swiveled towards the scarred boy. He then proceeded to glare at him.

"You can't harm other students, especially with the terms you are on."

(-insert Dabi-)

"Deku, let go of the sweaty boi" an purple patched up human immediately stepped in once he had figured out what the hell was going on.

"Shut up Touya."


Sorry it's short. I have no idea for this Rn. So I wrote this and now imma go pray to the lord and saviour, Jesus Christ.


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