A Red Head?

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Dabi's POV
I walked into the classroom a little bit after Toga and Deku. I really didn't want to be here. The last time I dyed my hair was two months ago, even then I had red poking out. Yet...this is so different from the other times. I can't go out of the school, I can't ask the teacher, I can't ask my friends...I  can't survive this situation.

Without letting someone outside my friend group know.

Deku's POV
Although I decided to dismiss it, I always knew it would be a problem. Dabi's Hair. He wore a hat today, it covered the his red roots. Once he walked into the classroom...

"Can you please remove your hat, Dabi"
The hobo said

"Can I please keep it? Please..." Dabi said..quite desperately

"There's no need for you to wear one indoors." The black butterfly replied

"Sir, just let him wear it" Toga interjected

"Ok..then, take your seats" He answered

I  started to mumble... whatifdabicantgethairdyeandhewillbeexposedwhatwouldhappentothetodorokispoortouyahesprobablydyinginside....

Aizawa's POV

I knew something was up when Dabi, refused to take of the hat, I'll have to speak to him afterwards.

After class..

"Hey Dabi, I need to speak to you after class"

I waited until everyone was out until I walked up to him

"Do you...need anything? Or do you want to talk about anything?"


"Well, what?"

"I need...I can't tell you"

"You can tell me anything"

"Promise not to tell anyone? No one, between you and me"


"I need...hair dye, I need black hair dye."

Hair dye? I thought he had naturally black hair...What could his natural hair colour be?

"Hello? Yes or...No?"

"I can get you some. Though, if it's not a sensitive question..what's your hair colour?"


He slowly reached up and pulled the hat off his head. I saw the red roots poking through, red..they were bright red."

"I don't like my hair colour."

"I'll try to get you hair dye this weekend if possible, I might be able to get some earlier"


??? POV

As I heard it, my heart broke. The villian, Dabi, didn't have black hair...so it is possible. I turned back to the crack in the door to see Dabi pulling his hat of his head.

His hair colour...

It's red.

This chapter was a mistake and should burn and every chapter after - Author

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