The Text

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The next morning I was woken with my phone going crazy! Great! This is gonna be fun scrolling through all of these.
The top of the notifications had 5 missed calls. The second was 5 new messages. Third was 3 new emails. And the fourth was 6 unread facebook messages. Who could all of these be from? I unlocked my phone and the first stop was the text messages all of them was from Leo and not one was from anyone else.
Wow! What would he want with me that was so urgent? Before i read them i checked all of the other notifications and again, they were all from Leondre!
I went back to the texts and text one read...
Leo 💞: LAUREN!!! I know its early and im sorry but i need to see you! Here is my email for you to facetime me!
Leo💞: Lauren.... Please reply! Its urgent
Leo💞: Lauren.... I'm running out of paitence here!!! Please reply!
Leo💞: Loz... Whatcha doing?? Sorry if im waking you but i need to talk to you!
Leo💞: Princess please reply! I am so sorry if you feel like im spamming you! Its important and i think you will want to hear this.
Once i had finnished reading all of the texts i wondered what could be so urgent so i rang him on facetime like he told me to!
Leo: Hey Loz. What took you so long?
Loz: Hello. How are you so cheerful on a Sunday morning! Oh and I was asleep. Me and Char was up late last night talking and watching movies.
Leo: Oh cool! I hope hes doing well, Im still buzzing from yesterday
Loz: 'Arent we all' I muttered
Leo: Huh? Did you say something?
Loz: Oh no i didnt. So what was so important that you rang me five times, text me five times, messages me on facebook six times and emailed me three times?
Leo: Well on the way home i was thinking of how urm...... How much.....
Loz: How much you what Leo?
Leo: Oh right yeah sorry! I was thinking of how much i love you!
Loz: Leo you only just met me yesterday and just for the record i love you too. But this thing you and Charlie have is nothing to do with me!
Leo: Your right! Awwww you love me too. Anyways i need to ask you the question i have been dying to ask you allllllll night! Will you be my princess, my girlfriend?
Loz: Urm......('he only met me yeterday and doesnt really know me but why nit hes cute and funny and I can support both him and my brother alot' I thought) ... Of course i will!!! When is Char next seeing you! Maybe we can tell everyone then!
Leo: Three weeks I think
Loz: Okay three weeks then we tell them all!
Leo: Deal! Anyways i have got to go now princess! Remember.... I love you!
Loz: I love you too

From that day on me and Leo skyped and facetimed everyday we could! We both had pritty busy lives with school and stuff but we made it work! Everyday that went past over those three long weeks, I could hold it in any longer to tell Charlie that his band mate had asked me out!

What would I do without you? (Bars and melody fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now