The Video

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Me and charlie were doing homework in our quiet room when I heard a massive screech! I looked over at charlie and he looked back at me with a massive grin on his face!

'Why are you so happy and why did you just scream?' I asked

'Just watch' char said whilst turning his laptop round to me

I clicked play and I was amazed! The most handsome guy I had ever seen in my life was on my laptop!

'How did you get that? Who is he?' I asked whilst tears were still streaming down my face!

'His name is Leondre Devries! Ollie sent me it.' charlie replied quickly!

'Hold up... Ollie found him' I snapped!

'Well yeah!' charlie screamed at me.

I knew Ollie was cappable of finding talent but this guys talent toped the lot!

'He was a victim of bullying! And he rapped to help him through it. This is part of one he wrote to try and spread the antibullying message !' Charlie said whilst reading the message Ollie replied back to him!

'Aww thats so sweet but seriously he is incredible. I may not know him but he seems so strong.' I replied before answering my phone!

L; Hello

O: Loz has Charlie showed you that video yet?

L: Yeah! Hes incredible but why did you send it to char?

O: Because wait! Are you with charlie now? If you are put me on loudspeaker.

L: Okay! Ollie your on loudspeaker!

O: Charlie.. Dont freak out but I think you should message Leondre!

C: Thats a cool idea but what am I supposed to say?

O: Anything you like but I reckon you should start a duo with him! It would be incredible!

C: Okay I will message him now! Bye

O: Bye guys!

L: See ya ollie.

(An hour later)

*Ping* Charlie picked up his phone. On the screen was a message that read...Leondre Devries: 'Hi charlie! It would be amazing to work with you! I watched some of your videos on your facebook and your amazing'

Charlie smiled at me once again and I looked at him..

'Leondre's replied hasnt he?' I smiled at charlie

'Yeah but read what he put!'

I read it and Charlie screeched once again!

'Isn't that amazing?'

I told charlie it would be best to go and tell our parents but before that we called Ollie and told him the good news! He told us he would come over and talk things through with our mum and step-dad about what would happen if we met up with Leondre.

What would I do without you? (Bars and melody fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now