The Second Meet and The Truth

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Leo's POV

I was always nervous when me and Charlie met up but this time had to be the most nervracking one yet. What if Lauren had already told Charlie about us? Or what if she told Brooke and she spilled it?

'STOP IT LEONDRE ANTONIO DEVRIES' I thought to myself! ' Your so much better than this!'

I was about to get ready when I heard my phone buzz. It was a text from Charlie which read...

Charlie Lenehan: Hey Bro! Can't wait to see you today. Hope your still bringing your little sis.

I thought to my self 'Oh yeah!!! Tilly (Matilda) was supposed to come today too. Oh jeesh whats her reaction going to be when we tell her?'

I knew the more I worried about peoples reaction the less time I would have to focus on the positives.

-----45 minutes later-----

I double looked at the clock on the wall and triple checked the time on my phone.

'Leondre! Get down here soon! Were leaving in 10 minutes!' I heard my mum shout up.

I ran downstairs as fast as I could, ate some toast with nutella and within 5 minutes I was ready to walk out the door.

-------At Charlies House------

Charlie's POV:

*Ding* *Ding* The door bell rang and I ran down the stairs with Brooke on my back, Lauren by my side and my mum behind me! When I opend the door, I saw a young girl that had the face of Leondre! This must be Tilly and behind her was Leo!

We invited them both in and we all then made our way upstairs to the quiet room (not that it would be that quiet with all of us in there).

Once we had all introduced ourselfs to Tilly and Leo and they introduced themselfs to Brooke, myself and Lauren, the two littluns went to Brooke's room and did whatever they wished to do.

As the day went on, I noticed that Lauren and Leo could not keep their eyes off eachother! I always knew they might like eachother but I couldnt quite decide if they had something going on!

'Guys?' I asked. 'I don't mean to be nosey or anything but is there something going on with you two! I mean its totally cool with me if there is I mean as long as you look after her.'

'Well...' Leo began! 'I guess you could say that. You know with me and Lauren being together. We was worried you would freak so we didnt want to tell you.'

I looked at Lauren and leaned in and gave her a massive hug! She always loved my hugs.

'Char... Promise me your not mad please. I didnt... We didnt know how to tell you and when to tell you' Lauren said as she started to cry.

'I promise you I am not mad okay. I love you and I always will. You have always made me proud and I cant be mad at you because of this!'

I guess there would always be a part of me inside that didnt want them together but they're happy and I can't be the one to destroy that happiness they shared.

-------- A few hours later------Lauren POV

We all went downstairs because Leo and Tilly were staying the night and they had forgot their stuff so their mum came back and dropped it off! Seen as we were all there and Charlie hadnt found out long before myself and Leondre decided to come clean about us! When we did everyone was so happy for us. It was a massive weight lifted off of our shoulders when we told them. We thanked them all for being so understanding and we couldn't stop smiling!

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